Happy new year everyone. The years slip by and the list is quieter and quieter but dqsd it still used all the time for me, even with firefox extensions, which have replaced some of the searches used for me.

I am recovering from a recent burglary and theft of my laptop which exposed huge holes in my backup system!

I was assuming http://www.dqsd.net/tools/dqsdtoc/searchtoc.pl was kept uptodate with searches but when I went to look for ebayuk.xml it was not there. I tracked it down in an old message *http://tinyurl.com/9z54f. This ommission got me wondering if the searches list was kept updated as people sent searches to the list, etc?

Also, would it be possible to add the solution to get dqsd working with a multi line taskbar to the faq. I know Shawn figured out this before, but I an still looking for the post, will likely find it soon...

I have also the steps required if one wants to move the location of dqsd (keep my apps on a seperate drive), which might be faq item worth including.




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