[DQSD-Users] UK Journey planner

2006-01-26 Thread Tom Corcoran
Find attached a new search for the ukjourney planner site. This has been 
on my list for years so I am psyched to get it done. This new site 
incorporated the old national rail site and also does buses. The search 
is pretty powerful so should be a good addition for anyone uk based.

search function=ukjrny
  nameUK Public transport Journey Planner/name
  contributorTom Corcoran/contributor
UK Public transport Journey Planner
div class=helpboxDescLabelsSwitches:/div
table class=helpboxDescTable
  trtdMust use one of these to indicate type of departure :/tdtd
  /oss - station or stopbr/   
  /opc - post codebr/   
  /oa - address
  /opl - place of interest
  trtdMust use one of these to indicate type of destination :/tdtd
  /dss - station or stopbr/   
  /dpc - post codebr/   
  /da - address
  /dpl - place of interest
  trtdMust Indicate travel day :/tdtd
  /day 0..[28,30,31]br/   
  trtdMust Indicate travel month :/tdtd
  /mth 1..12br/   
  trtdMust Indicate travel hour :/tdtd
  /hr 0..23br/   
  trtdMust Indicate travel min :/tdtd
  /day 0..59br/   
  trtdIndicate arrival or departure :/tdtd
  /arr (default)br/   
  trtdUse today's date :/tdtd
  trtdUse today's date and time :/tdtd
  /now [number of hours in the future]br/   
div class=helpboxDescLabelsExample:/div 
table class=helpboxDescTable
tdIn your LocalAliases.txt add something like : div/div
rail|ukjrny /oss staines /dss waterloo %sdiv/div
To check your journey on this route to depart :div/div
 eg. at 20:30 on 3 March, type : rail /day 3 / mth 3 / hr 29 /min 30 /depdiv/div
 rail /today / hr 29 /min 30div/div
 rail /now 3
 Also :div/div
 rail|ukjrny /oss staines /dss waterloo /now %sdiv/div
 rail 3
  form name=ukjrnyf
input type=hidden name=language value=en /
input type=hidden name=sessionID value=0 /
input type=hidden name=requestID value=0 /
input type=hidden name=ptOptionsActive value=-1 /
input type=hidden name=execInst value=normal /
input type=hidden name=command value= /
input type=hidden name=selLanguage value=en /
input type=hidden name=type_origin value=stop /
input type=hidden name=name_origin value= /
input type=hidden name=nameState_origin value=notidentified /
input type=hidden name=place_origin value= /
input type=hidden name=type_destination value=stop /
input type=hidden name=name_destination value=Enter location /
input type=hidden name=nameState_destination value=notidentified /
input type=hidden name=place_destination value= /
input type=hidden name=place_destination value=value /
input type=hidden name=itdTripDateTimeDepArr value=dep /
input type=hidden name=itdDateDay value= /
input type=hidden name=itdDateYearMonth value= /
input type=hidden name=itdTimeHour value= /
input type=hidden name=itdTimeMinute value= /
function ukjrny(q)
  function ReturnYearMonth(year, month)
// month needs to be zero padded
var todaym = 0 + month;
todaym = todaym.substring(todaym.length-2); 

return [year,todaym].join('');

  function DoToday()
var today = new Date();
document.ukjrnyf.itdDateDay.value = today.getDate();
document.ukjrnyf.itdDateYearMonth.value = ReturnYearMonth(today.getYear(),today.getMonth()+1);
  if( nullArgs(ukjrny,q) )
return false;
var switch_list = new Array( oss,opc,oa,opl,dss,dpc,da,dpl,day,mth,arr,dep,hr,min,today,now);
var args = parseArgsEx( q, switch_list );

if( args.switches.length  0 )
  for( var j=0; jargs.switches.length; j++ ) {
switch( args.switches[j].name ) {

  // TODO : language has not been implemented
  //case en: document.ukjrnyf.selLanguage.value = en; break;
  //case de: document.ukjrnyf.selLanguage.value = de; break;
  //case fr: document.ukjrnyf.selLanguage.value = fr; break;
  //case it: 

[DQSD-Users] missing fix for defer_tools.js

2006-01-26 Thread Tom Corcoran
I noticed that the fix done by Shawn Hall  for defer_tools.js is not 
part of the current release. I am wondering if it was added to the cvs. 
You can see the post at :


On line 254
 var args_array = q.split(/);
should be replaced with
 var args_array = ( +q).split( /);

Thanks, Tom.

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[DQSD-Users] need help with broken metacritic search

2006-01-26 Thread Tom Corcoran
The search for the metacritic site has been broken for some time. I 
attach an updated search which is NOT working however. I cannot figure 
out why. If anyone has the time i would appreciate some other eyes 
having a look.

Thanks, Tom.
search function=crit
  contributorTom Corcoran/contributor
  descriptionMetacritic compiles reviews from respected critics and publications for film, video/dvd, music and games.br/
div class=helpboxDescLabelsUsage:/div
  	table class=helpboxDescTable
  		trtdcrit [{/all | /film | /music | /games | | /book | /tv}] lt;ititle/igt; /td/tr
div class=helpboxDescLabelsExamples:/div
table class=helpboxDescTable
  		trtdcrit /music bright orange bright yellow/td/tr
  		trtdcrit /film bringing down the house/td/tr

  form name=critf
input type=hidden name=ts value= /
input type=hidden name=tfs value=all /
input type=hidden name=sb value=0 /
input type=hidden name=ty value=0 /
input type=hidden name=movie_videodvd value=true /
input type=hidden name=movie_intheaters value=true /
input type=hidden name=release_date_s value= /
input type=hidden name=release_date_e value= /
input type=hidden name=metascore_s value= /
input type=hidden name=metascore_e value= /

function crit(q)
  if( nullArgs(crit, q) )
return false;
  var args = parseArgsEx(q, all,film,music,games,book,tv);

  if( args.switches.length  0 )
for( var j=0; jargs.switches.length; j++ )
  switch( args.switches[j].name )
case all: document.critf.ty.value = 0; break;
case film: document.critf.ty.value = 1; break;
case music: document.critf.ty.value = 2; break;
case games: document.critf.ty.value = 3; break;
case book: document.critf.ty.value = 4; break;
case tv: document.critf.ty.value = 6; break;
  document.critf.ts.value = args.q;
