I know that a lot of people in the community are very interested in seeing pbuffer support in DRI drivers. I've been quick to point out that pbuffers require fbconfigs. I've also been working to figure out how to enable fbconfig support in client-side drivers. For stand-alone drivers this isn't a difficult task, but for drivers used with XFree86 there are a number of issues. The remainder of this message is basically divided into three parts. In the first part I describe what the problems are, and in the second part I propose some solutions. The solutions that I propose involve deprecating some fundamental DRI interfaces (i.e., __driCreateScreen) and replacing them with updated interfaces. In the third section I propose how backwards compatibility could be maintained with the new interfaces.

What are the problems?

fbconfigs provide a "new" way for applications to describe the parameters that are required of a context and a drawable. fbconfigs are extendible in that new extensions, such as GLX_OML_swap_method, can add new attributes to an fbconfig. Additional client / server protocol is also defined. Unlike GLX visuals, fbconfigs can also describe off-screen rendering targets. It is this element that makes fbconfigs a prerequisite for pbuffers.

fbconfigs are used for creating new rendering contexts (via glXCreateNewContext or glXCreateContextWithConfigSGIX). Just like when a context is created using a GLX visual, a context can be created as direct or indirect. Drawables are also created using fbconfigs (via glXCreateWindow, glXCreatePixmap, glXCreatePbuffer, etc.). When a GLX drawable is created it is not know if it will be bound to a direct context or an indirect context. In fact, a given drawable could be bound to both types of context at different times in its lifetime.

Because drawables can be bound to any type of context at any time, the client and the server must agree on the set of available fbconfigs. In XFree86 this means that three drivers have to agree. The client-side DRI driver, the server-side DDX driver, and the server-side libGLcore.a "driver" have to agree on the set of available fbconfigs. The difficulty in this is compounded by the fact that all three of these drivers may differ in version. In the future when accelerated server-side rendering is supported it is quite likely that users will update their client-side driver without restarting X. This will result in direct rendering contexts having a more recent driver, which may support addition fbconfigs, than the server-side driver.

My initial hope what that fbconfigs could be implemented completely on the client-side. That is clearly impossible.

How can the problems be solved?

Several of the interfaces between libGL and the client-side DRI driver need to be modified to support fbconfigs. As an added benefit, the new interfaces should be directly usable by the stand-alone drivers. The precursor is to modify __GLcontextModes to contain all of the fields, though with non-X specific datatypes, that are in __GLXFBConfigRec.

The first proposed change is to deprecate __driCreateScreen and replace it with __driCreateNewScreen. There are two significant differences between the old function and the new. The old function was passed an array of GLX visuals, but the new function is passed a linked list of __GLconextModes. This is convenient because whenever a GLX visual is used by the client-side driver it is converted to a __GLcontextModes structure first. The list of __GLcontextModes contains only the modes that directly match X visuals. In the stand-alone driver this could be a small set of generic modes that match the current display mode.

The other difference is that new modes are added to the list. The idea is that the driver adds new modes for the on-screen and off-screen fbconfigs that it can support. In the XFree86 environment, libGL would then create a new list that is the intersection of the client-side driver supplied list and the server-side driver supplied list. This subset is would be exposed to applications. It is expected that until server-side HW accelerated rendering is available, the server will export a very rich set of possible fbconfigs (i.e., every combination of buffer types & sizes that SW Mesa can support).

fbconfig IDs are not assigned by client-side drivers, and the drivers should not care about the fbconfig ID values. This allows libGL to either use the server supplied fbconfig ID values in the XFree86 environment or assigned arbitrary fbconfig ID values in the stand-alone environment.

The specifics of how, when, and by whom memory for the __GLcontextModes structures are allocated and freed has not been finalized. My current thinking is that libGL should export constructor and destructor functions (via glXGetProcAddress of course). The client-side driver would allocate structures as needed and fill-in the correct values. The client-side drivers would check the internal API version to determine which fields were available. As new fields are added the constructor would fill in reasonable defaults to maintain backwards compatibility with older client-side drivers.

The second major change is to deprecate createContext (in the __DRIscreenRec) and replace it with createNewContext. The only difference in interface is the XVisualInfo parameter is replaced with a __GLcontextModes parameter. This interface would be used by libGL for creating any context, whether the application used a GLX visual or an fbconfig. This is convenient because the first the thing createContext does in all the open-source drivers is convert the XVisualInfo into a __GLcontextModes structure!

The final major change is to deprecate createDrawable (in the __DRIscreenRec), which is already unused, and replace it with createNewDrawable. Since the existing entry-point is not used, it may be possible to keep the same name and the same location in the structure. The new entry-point would look something like:

        void *(*createNewDrawable)(Display *dpy,
                __GLcontextModes *mode,
                GLXDrawable draw, __DRIdrawable *pdraw,
                int renderType, const int *attributes);

The meaning of dpy, mode, draw, and pdraw should be obvious. renderType is one of GLX_WINDOW_BIT, GLX_PIXMAP_BIT, or GLX_PBUFFER_BIT. Initially only GLX_WINDOW_BIT will be supported. When DRI drivers are used on the server-side, GLX_PIXMAP_BIT will have to be supported, and when pbuffer support is added GLX_PBUFFER_BIT will have to be supported. attributes matches the attributes parameter of glXCreatePbuffer, glXCreateWindow, and glXCreatePixmap.

How can backwards compatibility be maintained?

There are two parts of the backwards compatibility equation. There is backwards compatibility between a new libGL and an old client-side driver, and there is backwards compatibility between a new client-side driver and an old libGL. Both can be handled very reasonably.

It should be trivial for libGL to dynamically select which interface to use. If the client-side driver does not export the __driCreateNewScreen symbol, then the old interface is used. This also means that libGL should ignore requests from the client-side driver to enable SGIX_fbconfig support. Without the new interface such support is impossible. This will prevent possible conflicts with closed-source drivers that are expecting a different libGL.

In the client-side driver it should be possible to rip out all support for the old interfaces from the device specific code (i.e., the code in lib/GL/mesa/src/drv). The DRI utility code (in lib/GL/dri) could easily create wrappers for the old createContext interface and the old __driCreateScreen interface. The __driCreateScreen interface would simply convert the list of visuals to a list of __GLcontextModes and pass it to __driCreateNewScreen. The createContext wrapper would operate in a similar fashion.

Where to now?

I'd like to discuss some of these interfaces changes, but I hope that none of them are too controversial. The sooner we can agree on a set of changes, the sooner they can be put into action. My hope is that support for fbconfigs, at the very least, will be complete and well enough tested to make it into the next XFree86 release. Since no date (or version number AFAIK) has been set yet, our chances seem good.

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