I found that calls to TexParameter were not setting the texture wrapping 
and texture filter in some cases (where the driver private texture object 
struct had not already been allocated).  This is now fixed and solves the 
following bugs:

- artifacts with plasma gun in q3
- blocky wall textures in q3
- texture clamping problem in armagetron.
- probably other things I hadn't noticed yet ;)

This should make things look much better, since you should always be
getting bilinear/trilinear filtering when it's requested.  The blocky
textures in quake were the result of nearest filtering, I think. The
downside is this fix will take away some of the speed increase you may
have seen, but it was cheating anyway. :)

I'm also planning on bumping the max texture size to 1024x1024
(MaxTextureLevels=11) and including an environment variable. So you would
use DRI_MACH64_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE=512 to drop down to 512x512 max texture
size to speedup quake, for example, but the default will allow the max 
texture size supported by the card to be used with a single texture unit.

Leif Delgass 

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