
I guess I have messed up seriously. I updated
my debian system to the current stable release
lenny which comes with version 8.3 of postgres
only. Then I got some errors when browsing
My site and finally found this explanation:


> Bradley McLean Aug 13, 2008; 06:25pm
> Yes, there is a problem with PG 8.3 and DSpace
> 1.4.2; PG 8.3 changed the default typecasting
> of certain literals in SQL.
> DSpace 1.5.X will work with PG 8.3, and DSpace
> 1.4.2 will work with earlier versions of PG.

Too bad. Now I would like to know which way will
be easier: Modifying DSpace 1.4 code to work with
postgresql 8.3 or downgrading to an old version
of the database not any longer supported by the
distribution I use?

What exactly ist wrong in the DSpace code as of
version 1.4.2?
Is the problem clearly located in a single class
or is it spread all over the code and I would
have to use find and replace, doing extensive
testing afterwards?

Thanks for your hints.

Bye, Christian

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