Hey folks:


I just wanted to point out a few problems that we've been having in DSpace


1)      When you delete a collection, if you double-click the delete button,
you'll generate an Internal System Error (since it's trying to delete the
collection again but it has already been deleted via the first click). It
would make more sense to either gracefully catch that error or prevent
double submitting.


2)      When you delete a collection, if you single-click the delete button,
but have a high number of items in your database, deleting a collection can
take almost 5 minutes (presumably as it scans through all the items,
unfinished submissions, and auth policies?). Perhaps there is a more
efficient way to do this? 


3)      When you're at the "Edit template > Edit" screen in the JSPUI for a
collection, you will see options such as "Move item" which should only be
seen when modifying an actual item and not just a template. If you try to
move an item, you will create an Internal System Error. This isn't a problem
in the XMLUI.


I don't think these issues have been fixed in DSpace 4.1 (I haven't checked
myself [yet]), so I figured I'd bring them up here. Let me know if they're
worthy of filing on JIRA. I think I have a login.



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