Hi, I have just installed 1.5.1 in a new machine just to check my database
and other configuration. And i followed the below steps. But, I cannot find
my previous "Communities and Collections" list in my new server.

1. Newly installed dspace 1.5.1
2. Copied assetstore from previous one to current
3. Copied config from previous one to current /usr/local/dspace/config/
4. Restored my database with:  psql -h -U dspace dspace < dump.sql

5. Update database with: psql -U dspace -f
/opt/src/dspace-1.5.1/dspace/etc/database_schema_14-15.sql dspace
6. Copied webapps from previous one to current /usr/local/dspace/webapps
7. Update DSpace with:  ant -Dconfig=/usr/local/config/dspace.cfg update
8. Updated Metadata Registry with:  /usr/local/dspace/bin/dsrun
org.dspace.administer.MetadataImporter -f

9.Rebuild browse and search index: /usr/local/dspace/bin/index-init
10. Restarted tomcat

It will be really helpful if you can help me a bit.
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