Saying you want to have a search on identifier.* means that DSpace will index 
ALL metadata fields where the element = identifier.  For example, here are just 
a few of the metadata fields in our repository where the element = identifier:


In fact, have 39 metadata fields where the element = identifier.

IMHO, I would not want to build a search index on identifier.* because:

1.        For us, it would be HUGE since our repository is close to 200,000 

2.       We don't need to be able to search on every single field where the 
element = identifier.

Hope this helps!
Best regards,

Sue Walker-Thornton
(757) 864-2368

From: Art Gutierrez []
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 11:11 AM
Subject: [Dspace-tech] Editing Indexes


We are running version 1.7 and the Manakin UI and I am trying to customize the 
index to include changes I have made in the fields in the submission process.  
I keep getting an error about a malformed line.  The line in question is
search.index.9 = identifier:dc.identifier.*    <--  I have tried editing this 
line to have no ending punctuation, just a period, and now period and asterisk 
based on other entries on the index list.  My question is what does the ending 
syntax mean??  I have tried searching the list archives but honestly have not 
found it real reliable in returning search results.  Also, are there other 
resources out there that people reference besides the documentation and the 
list serv??


Art Gutierrez
Head of Systems and Technical Services
Assistant Professor
Emporia State University
Agutierr at emporia dot edu

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