This may have been fixed in more recent versions of DSpace; we're on 1.8.2.
I'd been getting this problem a lot, to the point where our tomcat was
shutting down about once a week.


I wrote a script to try and find what DSpace code coincides with the idle
processes, see below.

It's not airtight, but I did find that /feed/* came up a lot (10%) in the
list of requests. Has anyone ever looked at the feeds code to see if it is
closing transactions properly?


Guts of the bash script:

pgIdle=($(ps -ef | grep 'postgres.*idle')) #array of idle processes
idleProcs=$(( ${#pgIdle[@]} - 1 )) #count the idle processes, minus one to
get rid of the grep command

while [ $idleProcs -le $1 ]
        pgIdle=($(ps -ef | grep 'postgres.*idle')) 
        idleProcs=$(( ${#pgIdle[@]} - 1 ))
done < <(tail -n 0 -f /var/log/apache2/access.log >> ./pgtest.out) #output
the logfile as long as the while loop runs

Collected data for a week using cron, running every five minutes until two
idle processes built up:
*/5 * * * * /home/dspace/pgtest.sh 2

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