Hi all,

I'd like to use Saxon (9HE) for XSLT processing in Apache Cocoon (2.2). I've 
followed the instructions for using Saxon from 
http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/Saxon. These instructions describe the process 
using an .xconf file, which is no longer the preferred method of Cocoon 
configuration (as described at 
http://cocoon.apache.org/2.2/core-modules/core/2.2/1259_1_1.html), though that 
page also notes that legacy .xconf configuration is still supported.

I've tried placing the core.xslt-processor configuration at 
WEB-INF/cocoon.xconf (as described in the Saxon instructions), at 
WEB-INF/cocoon/xconf/saxon-xslt.xconf (as described in the Cocoon config page 
linked above), and at META-INF/cocoon/saxon-xslt.xconf. In each case, I get the 

org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceException: Component with 
'org.apache.excalibur.xml.xslt.XSLTProcessor/saxon' is not defined in this 
service manager. (Key='AvalonServiceManager')

I've placed saxon9he.jar in WEB-INF/lib, and have tried removing its META-INF 
directory as described in the Saxon instructions. I have restarted my servlet 
container (Jetty) for each case.

I'm a Java amateur, so it's certainly possible I'm missing some basic step. I 
should also note that I'm using Cocoon in the context of the DSpace system, so 
it's possible that DSpace is configured to ignore my .xconf files.

However, it seems like there should be a way to specify the Saxon processor 
using Spring config or a .properties file, but I haven't found any instructions 
for doing so online (they all specify the .xconf configuration process).

Any thoughts? Thanks!

Also asked at: 

Jacob Brown
Digital Services Librarian

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