
I'm very new to manakin. I've managed to change the theme for one page and work with xsl and css. The full text search isn't working. When the Dspace logs and and dspace code(class DSQuery) are checked, they seem to be fine. There seems to be a problem with the query string. It breaks when the parse method from lucene is called. How do I check what's going on between the form submission and the call that's made to the DSpace code? Is there a way to output a trace?

The other question is about aspects. One of the programmers here has implemented a servlet that will work with any generic DSpace instance. Currently, we have a test instance with manakin, if I wanted to add this servlet to Manakin, would this involve working with the aspect side of things?

Sorry, I don't know a whole lot about java...so I apologize if these questions are totally obvious.
Thanks so much!


Esha Datta
Digital Library Technology Services
Bobst Library
New York University
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