Has anyone been able to customize how a Manakin theme links to Creative 
Commons licenses? 
The default themes will do something like the code below, which links to 
the license text that was stored internally into DSpace when the CC 
license was selected:

<xsl:if test="mets:METS/mets:fileSec/mets:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'CC-LICENSE']">
href="{mets:METS/mets:fileSec/mets:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'CC-LICENSE']/mets:file/
mets:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:title='license_text']/@xlink:href}">Creative Commons

Here's the DRI XML with the license_text URL:

<mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:title="license_text"

This works okay, but it can cause some odd behaviors:
  - If the web browser honors the mime type "text/plain" instead of 
ignoring it, the html source is displayed in the browser
  - If the browser displays the document correctly, links to versions of 
the license in other languages and links to the fulltext, legal code of 
the license don't work - they were coded as relative URLs in the 
original html

I want to experiment with doing something similar to the JSP interface - 
linking back to the license on the Creative Commons site, instead of 
using the internally stored text. The DRI XML has a license_url:

<mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:title="license_url" xlink:type="locator"

The link in the above xml in this case goes to 
Following that link will bring back plain-text with something like this:


What I want to do is get that above address to the license on the 
creativecommons.org website and use it in my theme, but I'm not sure how 
to solve this with XSLT.  Any ideas?

Keith Gilbertson
Systems Developer

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