
I have two related questions:

(1) Is there a programmatically way (in Java) to register (not copy) a
bitstream on local disk? The only way I see is using itemupdate from the
command line.

(2) I want to add a bitstream to the database (inbox for large files). I do
this by exporting the item using "dspace export", adding the bitstream to
the mets-folder and updating the "contents" file and reimporting the item
using "dspace itemupdate -A". The import part runs fast, but the export
part may be long based on the size of bitstreams of the item. To fasten the
process, I want to create an empty metsfile with the dublin_core.xml file,
a "contents" file containing the new content name and the bitstream itself.
How can I get the dublin_core.xml file without "dspace export"? Something
as wget http://server/xmlui/handle/XXX/Y/dublin_core.xml would be fine...

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