At Victoria University of Wellington, we're preparing to migrate from DSpace 
1.4 to 1.5, but during testing we've found a problem with uploading files.

If either the uploaded file's type is unknown to DSpace, or if the "Uload file 
and add another" button is clicked, then the upload step will never complete. 

For example, I browsed for an xsl file, and when I clicked the "Next" button, 
the file upload page returned, this time with my uploaded file listed on it; 
"application/octet-stream" as the type; and "Unknown" as the description. 

I could then edit the type and change it to "text/xml", which would take me 
back to the File Upload page again. Now my file has "text/xml" as the type, but 
if I click "Next" I still remain on the same page. I can't get to the "Review" 
stage not matter what button I press. I have to cancel and delete the 

By contrast if I upload a file with the extension ".xml" and click "Next" then 
everything works fine and I go on to the "Review" stage. DSpace assigns the 
known content type "text/xml" to the file.

(By the way, in both cases my browser has sent the uploaded file with a content 
type of "text/xml", so I assume that DSpace is ignoring this metadata and 
guessing (or failing to guess) the content type itself.)

Even more oddly, if I click on the "Upload file and add another" button 
(instead of "Next"), then I get stuck on that page, EVEN IF the file I uploaded 
was a "Known" type. 

It is possible to upload multiple files (of "known" types, only), by clicking 
the "Next" button on the File Upload page, then clicking "Previous" to return 
to that page to upload another file. Clicking the "Upload file and add another" 
at any point will get the submission stuck in a loop.

Does anyone else have the same problem?

I am trying to debug the problem. I'm looking in submission.js and in 
org.dspace.submit.step.UploadStep. I'm still a fair way away from understanding 
the process, though.


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