Hi All,

This is a good question Volker has asked below, i quote:
> I haven't had time to look at the source code for growisofs in the last
> few hours, but it's not very big and I expect to find that it
> essentially sends a "burn this data now" command to the burner and then
> keeps on copying data from a disk file to the burner. Please explain how
> and why it matters FOR THE BURN_CONTROL_PROGRAM how fast the burner
> spins or whether there are grooves on the media.

Surely the details of the burn method are totally controlled
by drive firmware. 

Drive detects media, sees what modes it can burn them in.

Program tells burner to burn disc in one of those modes, 
and then all the burn program has to do is spit the data out
to the burner. How hard can that be!?!?! (Im not talking about
mkisofs part - obviously burner software has to create 
filesystem and then pass data to burner. But same applies, 
data in filesystem should just be data that the burner doesnt 
really give a damn about and just burns onto disk.

I am very intrigued with Bryan's comments that cdrecord,
(and maybe cdrecord-proDVD) were not designed to burn 
DVD+R as that is what i mostly burn on these days and yes
it has been hell as i have been mostly using cdrecord-proDVD
to burn. I have only recently started to use growisofs, 
(only burned 5-10 disks with it so far but results seem good,
tho not perfect - ive had at least 1 that failed verify).

I am not talking about trying to emulate a single-groove 
DVD-R on a DVD+R disk. Or at least i dont think i am. 
When i have a dvd+r disk, and i burn data on it, i dont
want it to emulate -R, i just want the burner to burn it as 
best it can, and i have expected that that was occurring.

ps i will never buy a pioneer drive again. My bro had a 107 
which was good. But the 108 and 109 are rubbish. Ive tried 
burning with cdrecord-proDVD, growisofs, dvd-decrypter, 
adaptec easy cd/dvd creator. I have used princo, and laser, 
(both rubbish), tho now the price is reasonable i only 
use tdk or preferably verbatim disks. I still get burns that fail
to verify, maybe 5/50, or 10%. Princo disks gave many more 
failures. Since using the good disks i no longer blame these
problems on media. Either these pioneer drives and/or 
cdrecord-proDVD is rubbish.

the LG drive i just got last week seems to work like a charm,
tho i havent burned many disks with it (only 2 dual layer 
verbatim +R disks, and 5 verbatim single layer disks, no verify
failuers yet).

thanks for any info, if someone can enlighten me in what these
burning programs are doing, when as far as i can tell they should
just be passing data to burner, then I will be grateful.

ta and cheers,

On Sat, 14 May 2005 06:58 am, Volker Kuhlmann wrote:
> > You are completely oblivious to why people would use cdrecord/dvdrecord,
> I've asked several times now and you keep on ranting but not answering.
> I and someone else have also asked you to define your TLAs, which you
> keep on failing to do as well. Can one take you serious?
> > R/DVD-R differs from DVD+R.  You claim the media has nothing to do with
> > software, and I'm trying to tell you it _does_ with DVD-R!  ;->
> Now stop this waffling and tell *WHY* the recording program, cdrecord or
> growisofs, even cares about all these mince pies. Note I'm not
> interested in the differences in mince pies, you've said that a few
> times before. *How* does it affect *the recording program*, please?
> I haven't had time to look at the source code for growisofs in the last
> few hours, but it's not very big and I expect to find that it
> essentially sends a "burn this data now" command to the burner and then
> keeps on copying data from a disk file to the burner. Please explain how
> and why it matters FOR THE BURN_CONTROL_PROGRAM how fast the burner
> spins or whether there are grooves on the media. And, just to make sure,
> no more explanations about why some formats have grooves in this
> particular answer. Thanks.
> > You talk about growisofs like it "competes" with cdrecord/dvdrecord,
> > because you see no need cdrecord/dvdrecord, but that's largely because
> > (in our last conversation months ago) you only used DVD+R/+RW (and has
> > all sorts of complaints on your prior attempts to use DVD-R).
> You're mixing up a few things here. I prefer to use +RW for some
> situations. Yes my burner has trouble with a certain -R media brand. So
> what? Could euqally well have happened with a certain +R brand and means
> nothing.
> Volker

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