I think the following URL might give you some insight.
If not, drop me a note, direct.  Thanks and GL
Tony, W4FOA

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Jackson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 3:49 AM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Mystery Beacons @ 7039.0 KHz

> Does anyone have the straight scoop on the purpose and/or locations of the
> CW beacons transmitting on 7039.0 KHz?  Each beacon appears to transmit an
> individual letter, like 'F', 'K' and 'M' over and over, with no other
> identification.   So far, these are the only three I have heard, but there
> may be others.  The signals appear to be coming from the northwest,
> from the northern Pacific or southeast Asia.  My first guess is they are
> fishing buoys.  From my QTH in eastern Nebraska, 'F' is the loudest,
> followed by 'K', then 'M'.  One morning just before sunrise,  they were
> really loud, all well over S9,  but most of the time they are S3 or less.
> They slowly fade out after sunrise.
> I'm just curious.  They could possibly be used as an indication of
> propagation if their locations were known.
> 73 de Bill
> K9RZ
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