Good Morning,
A very good ham friend of mine will be in the Pretoria area (Midrand) for training from
February 28 thru April 8, 2005.  Are there any Pretoria hams that would meet (and
hopefully be able to spend some time) with him.  His free time would be primarily in
the evenings (not sure how much free time) and on the weekends.
Victor Lobicov, ER1CW (formerly UO5ON) is a highly respected contester and DXer, who
has a good command of the English language.  If you live in the Pretoria area and would be
willing to visit with or have him visit you, please contact me and I will provide Victor's contact
info at his home and in Pretoria.  I sincerely thank you for your consideration.
As an aside, a few years ago, my wife and I hosted a ham visitor from a foreign land and it
turned out to be one of our most pleasant memories.  That visitor was Valery, EX0V.  We
basically fell in love with Val and his family.  That relationship started from a request just
like this one.
I hope to hear from some of the Pretoria gang.
Tony, W4FOA (ex 7Q7AA)

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