ARLD008 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 8  ARLD008
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  February 23, 2012
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD008 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
NC1L, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, The Daily DX, DXNL, The Weekly
DX, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM
web sites.  Thanks to all.

EQUATORIAL GUINEA, 3C.  Elmo, EA5BYP and Javier, EA5KM are QRV as
3C6A from Bioko Island, IOTA AF-010, until February 26.  Activity is
with two stations on the HF bands.  QSL via EA5BYP.

ANNOBON, 3C0.  After their Bioko Island operation, look for EA5BYP
and EA5KM to be QRV as 3C0E from Pagalu Island, IOTA AF-039, from
February 28 to March 11.  Activity will be with two stations on the
HF bands.  QSL via EA5BYP.

SWAZILAND, 3DA0.  Phil, G3SWH and John, G3OLU are QRV as 3DA0PW from
the Hawane Resort until February 29.  Activity is on 80 to 10 meters
using CW with two stations, propagation permitting.  QSL via G3SWH.

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, A6.  Operators A65BT, A65BX and A61QQ are QRV
as A65BT from Sa'diyyat Island, IOTA AS-021, until February 25 using
mainly CW and some SSB.  QSL direct to A65BT.

THE GAMBIA, C5.  Alan, G3XAQ will be QRV as C56XA from February 27
to March 15.  Activity will be on the HF bands using CW.  This
includes an entry in the upcoming RSGB Commonwealth Contest.  QSL
via G3SWH.
BAHAMAS, C6.  Some members of the Yankee Clipper Contest Club will
be QRV as C6ANM from Nassau, IOTA NA-001, in the CQ 160-Meter SSB
contest as a Multi/Single entry.  QSL direct via WA2IYO.

CHILE, CE.  Members of the Three Stars DX Group will be QRV as XR4CA
from Cabo Carranza in the South American Lighthouse Weekend.
Activity will be on 40, 20 and 10 meters using SSB.  QSL via CE6AMN.
CUBA, CO.  Luis, CO6LP will be QRV in the CQ 160-Meter SSB contest
as a Single Op entry.  QSL via EA5GL.

SPAIN, EA.  A group of operators will be QRV as AO1POL in the CQ
160-Meter SSB contest.  QSL via EA1GHT.

GRENADA, J3.  Harry, AC8G will be QRV as J37K from March 1 to 4.
This includes an entry in the upcoming ARRL SSB DX contest.  QSL
direct to home call.

DOMINICA, J7.  Brian, K1LI will be QRV as J7Y from February 25 to
March 13.  This includes an entry in the upcoming ARRL SSB DX
contest.  QSL to home call.

ARGENTINA, LU.  Members of the Radio Club Mar Del Plata will be QRV
as LT5D from Punta Mogotes in the South American Lighthouse Weekend.
QSL via LU2DT.

BRAZIL, PY.  Operators Orlando, PT2OP and Fred, PY2XB are QRV as
PV2PC and ZX2S, respectively, from Sao Sebastiao Island, IOTA
SA-028, until February 27.  This includes being active in the South
American Lighthouse Weekend.  Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using
CW and SSB.  QSL PV2PC via PT2OP and ZX2S via PT7WA.

SUDAN, ST.  Robert, ST2AR has been active on 15 meters using CW
between 1300 and 1500z.  QSL via S53R.

PALAU, T8.  Kazue, JJ0LUH and Kiyoshi, JA0EKI will be QRV as T88XG
and T88XH, respectively, from February 26 to March 2.  Activity will
be on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and JT65.  QSL
both calls via JA0EKI.

MEXICO, XE.  Look for XE1RCS to be QRV in the CQ 160-meter SSB
contest.  QSL via bureau.

CAMBODIA, XU.  Bernhard, DK7TF is QRV as XU7DLH until March 15.  QSL
to home call.

ST. HELENA, ZD7.  Nigel, G3TXF will be QRV as ZD7XF from February 29
to March 13.  Activity will be mainly on 160 and 80 meters using CW.
This includes being an entry in the upcoming RSGB Commonwealth
contest.  QSL to home call.

CAYMAN ISLANDS, ZF.  John, K6AM will be QRV as ZF2AM from Grand
Cayman Island, IOTA NA-016, in the CQ 160-Meter SSB contest as a
Single Op/High Power entry.  QSL to home call.

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO.  The CQ 160-Meter SSB Contest, North
American RTTY QSO Party, South American Lighthouse Weekend, QRP CW
Fox Hunt, NCCC CW Sprint Ladder, REF SSB Contest, UBA DX CW Contest,
Mississippi QSO Party, High Speed Club CW Contest, SARL Digital
Contest and the North Carolina QSO Party are all on tap for his
weekend.  The CQC Winter QSO CW Sprint is scheduled for February 27.
The QRP CW Fox Hunt is scheduled for February 29.  Please see
February QST, page 91 and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest Web Sites for

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