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Date sent:      Mon, 13 May 2013 11:23:21 -0400
From:   "Moore, Bill,  NC1L (ARRL Awards Branch)" <n...@arrl.org>
Subject:        [dx-check:1490]  TI9CCC and DXCC

    Over the years some applicants have had TI9CCC for Cocos Island
    rejected in their DXCC application mostly due to "Incorrect Date
    The issue with the dates for this operation have been resolved. If you
    had this operation rejected, and your confirmation falls within the
    dates noted below, send an e-mail to bmo...@arrl.org to be placed on
    the list for an update to your record.
    TI9CCC - Cocos Island
    February 15 through February 28, 1984
    73 es DX!
    Bill Moore NC1L
    Awards Branch Manager
    ARRL - The national association for Amateur RadioTM
    225 Main Street
    Newington, CT 06111
    Telephone: (860) 594 0234
    Fax: (860) 594-0346
    email: bmo...@arrl.org
    DXCC Web Site: www.arrl.org/dxcc
    Blog: http://www.arrl.org/awards-blog
    Twitter: arrl_dxcc
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