SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.509
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 509

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 509
BID: $OPDX.509
April 30, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, N2OO, N3SL, W3HC, W3UR & The Daily DX, K4JZ, N4AA &
F5UJK & WLH Board, HB9DLE, HL1IWD, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, IK4NQL,
and YS1RR for the following DX information.


TIP OF THE WEEK: When sending regular messages, turn OFF your "HTML" format
                 in your mail programs and use plain text. This will save
                 a lot of bandwidth. Using "HTML" usually makes the message
                 twice as big and copies itself twice in one message!

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 22/April, through Sunday, 29/April there were 231 countries
active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4S,
4U1U, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A, 9G,
9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A9, AP, BV, BY,
C3, C6, C9, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, EA, EA6,
EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM,
FO, FO/a, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HI,
HK, HK0/a, HK0/m, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J5, J6, J7, J8, JA,
JD/m, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KH0, KH2, KH4, KH6, KH8, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU,
LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2,
PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ, R1FJ, S2, S5, S7, S9, SM, SP, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T7, T8,
T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TL, TR, TT, TU, TX0, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2,
V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9C, VK9M, VK9N, VP2E, VP2V, VP5, VP6,
VP8, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, XX9, XZ, YB, YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS,
YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS
    There were 39 CQ Zones available during the past week.
          CQ Zones that were not active are:  2 
    There were 55 ITU Zones available during the past week.
          ITU Zones that were not active are:  3,4,9,15,21,22,23,24,25,

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations. As
  always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).
  OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive an additional bulletin (due to its
  size) with a complete breakdown and "DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity".

3B6RF THE AGALEGA DXPEDITION (Update). As this was being written, the
3B6RF team is heading to Agalega and plans to arrive around May 2nd or
3rd. The team will start operating 10 or 12 hours after landing and stay
active until the 16th or 17th of May. From a press release by Steve, N3SL,
the advance team for 3B6RF had been on 3B8 for a week where they obtained
the license and landing permit, and purchased the perishable supplies and
arranged final transportation. The remaining crew should have been in
3B8-land by Saturday, April 28th. Their flight arrangements now calls for
travel to 3B6 via S7, and they expect to be on the air by May 3rd, and to
begin the tear down process on May 16th. They will not begin operations
until all 6 stations are assembled, which includes the massive array of
antennas. Once they start, they will be on all bands, 160-6 plus satellite,
and all modes (CW, SSB, RTTY/PSK, FM, and SSTV). Their team of 21 members,
many of whom gave you 3B7, is giving concentrated effort to North America,
with extra attention to the low bands. Unfortunately, they do not share
common darkness past the Midwest, so pray hard to the 160 gods! There may
be times they have 2 or even 3 stations on 160 simultaneously if conditions
warrant.  They fully expect to finish with 100,000+ QSOs, approximately
65,000 on CW and at least 2,500 on RTTY/PSK. The digital modes will
commence on day 1, but with times limited to 1 hour/continent until
the CW pile-ups are worked down a bit. Then more effort will be placed
on digital. PSK31 will be a bit unique, as they are using software capable
of decoding multiple signals simultaneously. They will listen both up and
down 1+ kHz, allowing them to work someone "up 1" while already decoding
the next station "down 1" and vice versa, keeping the rates as high as
possible. Standard DX frequencies will be used, and they will always
work split. The entire band plan is spelled out on their web page. A color
QSL is planned, so QSLing will not begin for some time after the expedition
is over.  North American (Canada, U.S., and Mexico) QSLs go via
Kimberly Larson, the daughter of N3SL, at N3SL's CBA: 22 N Hidden Acres 
Drive, Sioux City, IA, 51108.  All other QSLs via HB9AGH.  As usual, the 
bureau will be used for cards received via the bureau or without sufficient 
return postage. Their web page gratefully acknowledges all of their sponsors
and contributors to date.  Each team member has put forth a minimum of
6000 USD toward this effort, but with the change in travel plans via S7,
significant, unexpected expenses have been incurred, and further
assistance/donations will be greatly appreciated. Information and feedback
during the expedition should be sent via their American pilot station:
Bill Avery, K6GNX, at " [EMAIL PROTECTED] ".  They especially want
feedback from the western half of the U.S., where 3B6 is needed most.
Online logs will be updated daily during the expedition. For more info and
daily news, check out the 3B6RF Web page at:

3D2/R, ROTUMA. Katsumi, JA1NVF, is now active as 3D2NV/R. His length of
stay is unknown at this time. He has been very active on 20/17/15/12/10
meters SSB and FM 10 meters. QSL via home callsign.

4N8, KOSOVO, YUGOSLAVIA. Boyan, LZ1BJ, was signing 4N8/LZ1BJ from Pristina
this past week. Activity seems to be on 40-10 meters CW/SSB.  QSL via
his home callsign.

8Q, MALDIVES. Only a few more days to work Peter, HA2SX, as 8Q7KK. He will
go QRT on May 4th. His activity has been mainly on CW. Check 3504, 7005,
10107, 14003, 18080 and 21005 kHz. QSL via HA2SX.

9A, CROATIA (Lighthouse Operation). Franjo, 9A2MF, has started operation
from the Croatian lighthouse Savudrija. Franjo is a lighthouse keeper who
has been in service for the past 20 years, and stationed on many Croatian
lighthouses. Currently, he is stationed on the SAVUDRIJA, where he will
be for the next several years. He has already erected an antenna on the
lighthouse building. The "Lighthouse Savudrija" is valid for Croatian
Light House Award. Savudrija is a CLH-73. Hams interested in the Croatian
Light House Award can get all the details on the following Web page at:

C6A, BAHAMAS. Bill, W4WX, will be operating from the Treasure Cay, Bahamas,
May 7-14th, as W4WX/C6A. He will be active on RTTY and some SSB on the
WARC bands. QSL via home call.

will be active from "Point of Sagres" (locator IM56MX) as CS0RCL/p, June
2-3rd. This operation is valid for the "Castles and Forts Portuguese
Award", reference numbers: DCFP (F-054), DMP (815) and DFP (FAL-02). Their
activity will be on HF, 6 meters, 2 meters and 23cm. Skeds can be made
for 6/2 meters and 23cm via E-mail through CT1EPS at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
QSL via bureau or direct to CT1EPS.

CW, URUGUAY. Jorge, CX6VM, reports that he will be active in the next
CQ WPX CW Contest as CW6V. He will be operating as a Single Operator/
All Bands/ Tribander / Single elements category (SOAB TS). Jorge will
be mostly on 10/15/20/40 meters due to the difficultly of getting 6
point QSOs on the others low bands. QSL to his QSL Manager W3HNK:
Joseph Arcure Jr., P.O.Box 73, Edgemont PA 19028, USA

EAST TIMOR VIDEO. Dennis/K7BV and Dick/N6FF have announced that a 32 minute
video titled, 4W/K7BV 4W/N6FF Timor Lorosae DXpedition - "Memories Beyond
the Pileups", is now available in VHS 1/2" tape format (standard USA) or on
a CD for 15USD + 5USD handling (USA via Priority Mail). They will also
make the video available in PAL format if there is sufficient interest. If
interested, contact K7BV, and he will forward all inquires on to the proper
people. Please send inquiries via E-mail to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Or by (snail) mail to: Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV, 4357 Appollonio Way,
Washoe Valley, NV 89704.

FP, ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON ISLANDS. Wendell, K4JZ, has announced what he
calls "The Poor Boy DX-Pedition". From June 14-18th, Wendell will be
operating from FP-land using the callsign FP/K4JZ. His operations will
be on 40-10 meters SSB. QSL To K4JZ with SASE. This is a one man operation,
and any donations will be appreciated.

HC8, GALAPAGOS ISLAND. Operators Robert/N5KO, Charles/W6OAT, Ken/K6TA,
Kay/K6KO, Jon/N0JK and George/K5PI will activate HC8N in the CQ WPX CW
Contest as a Multi-Multi catagory. QSL via AA5BT.

HK0, MALPELO. Pedro, HK3JJH/HK0, continues to be active. This will be the
last week to work him. Activity will end May 7th. QSL Manager Carl, N4AA,
reports he will NOT have cards/logs until mid-May after Pedro returns
home. He estimates that it will be at least June before everything is in
place to start answering the hundreds of requests pouring in. PLEASE READ

HV, VATICAN. Look for HV5PUK to be active from the Vatican City on May
3rd, as usual during the "V Lateran Journey". Operations will be on HF,
6 and 2 meters starting around 0800z. QSL to Luca, IW0DJB, the QSL Manager
of HV5PUL.

IOTA NEWS...................
   AS-NEW.  Lee, HL1IWD, informs OPDX that the Korea DX Club regrets to
            say that their scheduled (May 5-6th) operation for the Kangwondo
            Province has been cancelled. They could not get the landing
            permission from government's Ministry of Defence. He states
            that a few years ago, a North Korean submarine was wrecked
            and captured near where they were going to operate. After
            that, the military's HQ has been sensitive to island landing,
            especially overnight stays. Also, they do not understand
            about ham radio and IOTAs! They will try to find another way.
   AS-056.  Joe, JA4PXE/6, will be active from Danjo Island starting around
            2200z on May 4th, ending May 6th at 2200z. He will be operating
            on 14260 and 21260 kHz +/- QRM, and 50.145 MHz. QSL via JA4PXE.

   AS-096.  Chetan, VU3DMP, from Mangalore (West coast of Southern India)
            and Srikanth, VU2SBJ from Manipal, informs OPDX that a team of
            Indian operators will be activating St. Mary's Island from
            May 5-7th. The un-inhabited, bare and very small St. Mary's
            Island is located in the Udupi district in the state of
            Karnataka. The permission from the government, WPC (Wireless
            Planning & Coordination) has already been granted for this
            operation. WX permitting, they intend to run 3 stations active
            on most bands most of the time with about 12 operators. The
            stations will be active on CW and Phone. The 12 operators that
            were mentioned are: VU2MHC (Manipal Club Callsign), VU2SBJ,
            VU2RCT, VU2JIX, VU2GPH and VU2JRO. Their activity will be on
            80-10 meters with Yagis, Verticals etc..., on CW and SSB with
            three station active continuously. There is a web page with more
            information about the operations on:
            QSLing will be handled individually for each callsigns, direct
            (S.A.S.E) (, or via Bureau is OK. Bureau
            requests can be sent to:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   EU-048.  Francois, F2GL, will be active from Houat Island now through
            May 6th. Operations will be on CW/SSB, 80-10 meters (including
            the WARC bands). QSL to F2GL, direct or via bureau.
   EU-130.  Andy/IV3SKB and Mauro/IV3HAX will be active from Martignano
            Island (IIA-UD-005), May 1-7th. Activity will be 40-10 meters,
            including the WARC bands, on CW/SSB. QSL via IV3HAX.
   EU-136.  Dusan, S52DG, will be active as 9A/S52DG/P from Krk Island
            (CI-046 - Croatian Island Award), now through May 1st. His
            activity will be 80-10 meters. QSL via CBA or bureau.

J5, GUINEA-BISSAU. Baldur, DJ6SI, and others have activated the callsign
J5X now through May 11th. Their activity will be on 160-6 meters on SSB,

JW, SVALBARD (Update/Rare IOTA). "DXpedition Artic 2001" will take place
during June 1-9th, from Prins Karls Forland Island (Polpynten Area) which
has the rare IOTA EU-063 (Spitsbergen's Coastal Islands). The callsign will
be JW0PK. The team operators are as follows: DL5NAM/Christoph, ES1CH/
Aleksei, F5PBL/Claude, I2ADN/Angelo, IK2XDE/Andrea, IK2XDF/Giampaoalo,
IK4MED/Dario, LA3OHA/JW3OHA/Terje, LA8AV/JW8AV/Egil, ON4AMX/Marc, S57FYL/
Aleksandra, S53AC/Atila, SP5DRH/Jacek, SP5LCC/Witold, US0VA/Igor (Doctor
of the team), XE1BEF/Hector and others (members of logistic & security).
They plan to operate on all bands and modes on the following suggested
SSB  -  1840, 3790, 7060, 14195, 18145, 21295, 24950, 28460, 50145, 144250
CW   -  1822, 3505, 7005, 10105, 14020, 18080, 21020, 24895, 28020, 50095,
RTTY -  14080, 21080, 28080       |  JW7SIX    Beacon  Frq.  50.047 Mhz.
PSK31-  14071, 21071, 28071       |  WW Locator JQ68TB
FM   -  29200                     |
  There will be activity on the satellites/RTTY/PSK31. They will try 6
meters 24 hours a day. They will try the lower bands, but they will have
daylight during the operation, so low bands QSO will be difficult. They
are looking for sponsors or support, so if you want send them a contribu-
tions, you can use this address: DXPEDITION ORG., P.O. Box 584, 
9171 Longyearbyen, Svalbard Islands, (Norway). QSL Manager is SP5DRH,
QSL via the bureau is ok. If you prefer a direct QSL from SP5DRH, send
it to: Mr. Jacek Kubiak, P.O.Box 4, 00-957 Warszawa - Poland. For more
info, please send E-mail to them at:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Their Web Page is at:

KH1, BAKER AND HOWLAND ISLANDS. Raymundo, YS1RR, announced this past
weekend that the same team which was active from Conway Reef 2001, is
planning a DXpedition to Baker and Howland Islands at the end of the year.
The expect it to take place during the months of September/October 2001,
with alternative schedule for the months of February/March 2002. The
leader of DXpedition will be Hrane, YT1AD. More datails and plans are
forthcoming soon.

LU, SOUTH ORKNEY ISLAND. A station signing LU1ZA from here was active
for about an hour on April 21st on 28325 kHz on SSB. His activity started
about 1830z, and the operator could not speak English. It is unknown
how long he will be there. If anyone knows more information about this
operator/station, please pass it on to OPDX. There are many who need this
station as a new one.

NEW DXER IN THE FAMILY? The DX team of Holger/DL7IO and Birgit/DL7IQ
added an addition to the family on Sunday, April 22nd. NODXA's friend
Holger informs OPDX that the mother Birgit and new daughter Xenia are
fine. Xenia weighted in at 3590g and her length was 51 cm. She has long
black hair (like her sister Saskia had). Congratulations to both Birgit
and Holger! By the way, the first pictures of the new arrival are available
at the following Web link:

QSL INFO AND NEWS....................
  IMPORTANT NOTICE. Carl, N4AA, editor of QRZ DX and QSL Manager for
  Pedro, HK3JJH/HK0, reports that he has just learned that the FCC made
  an error in his zip code when they processed a change of address several
  months ago and he never noticed their mistake. The post office brought
  this to his attention when all the mail started coming in for HK3JJH/HK0.
  Please help and spread the word that the correct address for N4AA is:
  Carl Smith, PO Box 249, Leicester, NC 28748-0249
  Mac, W3HC, has informed OPDX that he is now the QSL Manager for

  Gil, F5NOD, reports that Eric, F5SIH (ex-FO0BOG), states that the QSL
  cards are printed, and the first package of QSL should be in the mail
  as of this past weekend.

  FR/T QSL STATUS. Gil, F5NOD, reports that 1000 QSLs are still in the
  hands of Larry F5PYI, (QSL receieved in August/September). Larry is
  back at home and they will mail them very soon. They have sent about
  8000 QSLs out, but they are still working on the QSLing and there is
  about 1000 QSL cards yet to go. Gil states the following:
    - "PLEASE, Do not resend QSL request !! (save your green stamps)
    - We will start Bureau QSLing after all direct QSLs are sent
    - DO NOT SEND ME (or to Erwann F6JJX) E-mail "Did you received my
      QSL ?" >> We really don't know!
    - DON'T FORGET to put with your request , postage contribution and
      SAE (SELF ADRESSED Envelop) many of you forgot the SAE!!! ... Also
      don't forget to write your country on the SAE!! Many of you forgot
      it too ... That's the major reason for lost mail."

  QSL K5K STATUS. The 425 DX News reports that Tom, N4XP, is processing
  and mailing QSLs daily. He started six weeks ago, but the queue was over
  30,000, so it will take a while.
  R2/DK8LV STATUS. Stephan, DK8LV, reports that all cards received have
  not been answered yet. The  reason  for this is that after his stay in
  Kaliningrad last year, friends in UA2-land ordered the QSL cards by
  UA3AA in Moscow. He received the package with the cards last December,
  but they were all printed with the wrong callsign (R2/DL8LV!). So,
  Stephan had to order new cards again, but they have not arrived yet
  - shipment date was February 22nd (!!). He states that he will wait
  until the end of April, and if the cards are not received by then, he
  will look for a new printer. Stephan will answer all cards as soon as
  they are ready from the printer.
  QSLs for TA0/IT9YRE/p and TA0/IT9WDY/p go to IT9YRE either direct
  (Ferdinando Rubino, P.O. Box 30, 96012 Avola - SR, Italy) or through
  the ARI bureau.
  The team of operators that were active from Enewetak as V73E are back
  on Kwajalein as this bulletin was being prepared. They made about
  18,000 QSOs. QSL via WF5T. A Web site has been set up for this operation
  Bill, K6KM, reports that all direct QSLs for VK9NOO and VK9NNN have
  been answered. No bureau cards have been received yet. He mentions
  that about 5% of the cards had the wrong date. NONE had time off by
  more than five minutes. Bill states, "Apparently many ops don't know
  that U. S. postage to almost anywhere is now 80 cents. Many cards had
  60 cent stamps. Correct U. S. postage is best, 1 USD is almost as good,
  IRCs are a pain but they work (only 1 required). Envelopes with peel-off
  stickies are GREAT! Thanks to those who sent them!"
  Bob Schenck, N2OO/9M6OO/V85OO, announced the formation of "The QSL
  Manager's Society". This will be a web based "organization" that will
  act as a "point of contact" for quality QSL managers, and for DXpeditions
  or DX stations looking for one. It will also provide a central source of
  information useful to any QSL manager. Please visit the web page at:

SAD NOTE. Bob Schenck, N2OO/9M6OO/V85OO, sadly reported this week the
passing of H.G. Hassan, V85HG (aka V8HG). Hassan was always a strong
and steady voice for Ham Radio in Brunei. He will be sorely missed. Bob
mentions that a nice photo of Hassan can be found on the Buckmaster
callsign server at the web site:
(enter V85HG). OPDX and the DX community send out our deepest sympathy
to the family and friends.

SPECIAL EVENT. During the celebration of the 56th Anniversary of the end
World War II, the members of the "Michurinsk Contest Groupe" will activate
the special event stations RP3RST, RP3RTG, RP3RTK and RP3RZK between May
5-9th and May 12-13th (including the "ARI DX" and "CQ-M" contests). If
you make contacts with these stations (CIS stations - 15 QSOs, EU stations
- 10 QSOs, DX stations - 5 QSOs; dupes are valid on different bands or
modes) you will receive a "MCG-medal" trophy free of charge (please, send
only 2 IRCs for postal expenses). QSLs for all these stations are via
RN3RQ (direct, bureau or E-mail requests for bureau cards is OK): 
Jack Yatskiv, P.O.Box 30, Michurinsk 393760, Russia. His E-mail address
is:                           [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
All QSL requests for the 2000 year activity were sent via the bureau.

"THE MOBILE DXER" (New Book). Dave, AC6WO, has informed OPDX that he has
written a new book for "The Mobile DXer". This book is the "First and Only"
book devoted entirely to Mobile Dxing. "The Mobile DXer" will be introduced
to the Amateur Radio community by CQ Publications next month at Dayton.
If you are interested in Mobile DXing and are going to Dayton, stop by the
CQ Booth and take a peek at "The Mobile DXer".

TK, CORSICA (IOTA Activity). Pierre/F5MOG and Jean-Pierre/F1AHO, will be
active from North Corsica (EU-014, DIFM TK001) near cap Corse now through
May 6th, as TK/F5MOG and TK/F1AHO. Activity will be on the HF bands, both
CW and SSB, every day after 4:00 PM (their local time). On April 29th or
May 1st (according to boat possibilities), check for them to be active
from Giraglia Island (EU 164, DIFM TK 007, WLH 0511). On May 5 and 6th,
Jean Pierre, F1AHO, will be active on hyper (5.7, 10 and 24 Ghz). QSL via
F5MOG, direct CBA or via French REF Bureau.

TX0, CHESTERFIELD ISLAND. The TX0C team is now active until about May
2nd or 3rd. Activity will be on 160-6 meters CW/SSB. QSL via JA1BK.

VK9C, COCOS-KEELING ISLAND. The English team of three operators is very
active on 30-10 meters CW/SSB (frequencies listed in OPDX.508). Activity
by VK9CXF, VK9CXJ and VK9CXW will last until May 5th.

VP8, FALKLAND ISLANDS. The Scottish team of 4 four operators is making
it easy for anyone who needs this on CW. VP8SDX is on ALL bands 160-10
meters (frequencies listed in OPDX.508). Activity will last until May

XX9, MACAO. Arto, OH2KW, will be on the air again from here. He will be
active between May 18-20th and during the CQ WPX CW Contest (May 26-27th).
His callsign will again be XX9TKW. QSL via his home callsign, via the
bureau or CBA.

ZK1, NORTH & SOUTH COOK ISLANDS. Remember to look for Uwe/DL9NDS and
Klaus/DL7NFK to be active as ZK1NDS and ZK1NFK (refer to OPDX.500). By the
time you read this, they should be active. Activity will last until May
18th. They will activate a few IOTAs during their stay: Rarotonga (OC-013),
Mangaja Island (OC-159), Aitutaki Island (OC-083) and Manihiki (OC-014).
Their emphasis will be on the modes RTTY/PSK31/MFSK16. QSL via their
home callsigns. They will have an online log available at:

ZL7, CHATHAM ISLANDS. Ed, K8VIR/ZL4IR, is expected to be here on business
during the next few weeks. He will operate as ZL7IR during his spare time.
Suggested frequencies are: 14260, 18130 and 21260 kHz. QSL direct via W8WC.

SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via " [EMAIL PROTECTED] ", please send
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Tedd Mirgliotta  KB8NW
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS (BARF-80) +1 (440) 237-8208
"Totally devoted to Amateur Radio" - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 28.8k-1200 baud
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