Hello group,

I have a problem that I really cannot figure out how to solve.

Each time I start DX4WIN my configured and saved log windows resizes by becoming slightly smaller i e gaps in between each window get larger.
The log QSO input window stays put, though.

I have been using DX4WIN since middle of 1990'ies. Never had an issue, ever. But this is making me crazy. I have tried all the skins approaches in DX4WIN. No difference. I am in Expert mode of course.

Reason is most probably due to my computer upgrade to Windows-7.
So, reason is somewhere in the Microsoft land of arts. But where?
Is there a way around this forced resizing of DW4WIN windows?
Someone out there must have had this too?

No other softwares in my computer experiences the same effect.

73 - Bengt SM6FUD

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