This whole issue of annonymous accounts/fraud/privacy can be resolved quite
simply  it seems to me.

Firstly  the accounts.

e-gold, or SR or Goldmoney and who ever is the new gold supplier that will
be opening in the new year simply sets up three types of accounts.

xxxxxx  is the standard account which is currently set up by e-gold.   Any
one can open this account and it is relatively annonymous.

xxxxxxM  would be a merchant or business account.  To open this  account
Full ID  would need to be supplied.  Anyone dealing with this account would
be aware that full ID has been provided and know that the person is
trackable and bona fide. Alpha designations can be applied simply at the end
of the account number and would form part of the account number.  The name
of the Account would also be fixed at the time the account is opened.    M
for merchant B for business C for charity S for 'those special investment
schemes' and so forth.  If there is no alpha designation at the end of the
account number you might  think twice before spending to that account.  The
responsibility lies with the spender.  It also reinforces the non repudiable
policy e-gold has.

xxxxxxP  of course would be an accredited  service provider or Market Maker.
(Of course I am not an accredited Market Maker as far as e-gold is concerned
so I might be hoisting my own pertard with this one)

Those people who wish to remain annonymous can do so.  Those with a
legitimate business to run can do  so  and those who wish to run something
dubious can also do so.  It is then the responsibility of  the person
spending the gold.  No more crying  victim.
This also answers the question of privacy.  Those who wish to remain
annonymous can do so.  The one disadvantage is that they cannot run a
business and remain annonymous at the same time. 

Secondly,   what about  the fraudsters who pass bad cheques, the scamsters
and such choice items as  paypal etc?  Well paypal firstly.  Simply do not
promote it,  do not use it, do not accept it if you consider  it is not
reliable.  I will not use Paypal as is another avenue for criminals to
use and really costs more that it saves in time and aquiring customers. and
it does not replace doing the work to verify a customers veracity. anyway.
Now, having been the recipient of some particularly nasty cheques I can
speak with some authority  and the first step is simply do not accept
cheques,  do not accept credit cards  (after all we are trying to get away
from that type of transaction so why encourage it?). "Oh...but I will lose
business!.." I hear you say.  Ask any money maker how much business they
have lost by not accepting credit cards... you will find it is very little.
in fact you would be hard put to find an MM who DOES accept credit cards on
a consistent ongoing basis.

The same goes for cheques.  I do not accept overseas cheques any more
(particularly US cheques)  but this has not affected my business at all. 
People will adapt and this is what we are striving for as well as make a few
bob doing it.  If all the MMs said  "No more Cheques.  Cash, Bank Wires and
Western Union Money orders Only ".  Are your customers going to go somewhere
else?  I think not! But of course there will the that MM who will say  "Hey
over here...I will take your cheques...give them to me.."  and all the
fraudsters will say, "Hey look, an opening.. let's use it quick!",  and that
MM willget clobbered  and will then decide it IS more prudent to go with the
Additionally instead of saying  "oh...we need some perfect software to do
our job for us." . let us  simply set some policy which we will agree to and
enforce with regard to payments and I can assure you the customers will come
to the party.

The next step is of course....verify.  Do you have a verification process in
place?  If not do you want to buy one?  I can sell you one.  It is a sheet
of paper with 10 steps written on it.  (I bet graham has one too). i can
sell it to you for 100USD,  or you can sit down and write one yourself if
you have not already and save the 100USD  (damn!)

The last step is to locate a system easy for clients to use that replaces
the cheque/credit card system  and that is reliable and secure and has no
chargeback threat or can freeze.   In Australian there is such a a system
and it is called Technocash.  This will be the system that will replace all
others for the most part.  I'm sure a similar system is obtainable in the US
and other countries  (if not technocash soon will be).  Or you can devise

As an aside,  almost ALL  my business is referrals and word of mouth.  After
the cheque  senario my business came to a virtual stop.  But over time it
has started to build up again  and with no advertising  (apart of the
occasional announcement on the discussion board) is building up very nicely
by word of mouth and referrals  and all my clients and stable, known to me
and I have no problem accepting cheques or any other form of payment from
them.  These types of clients are the best you can get,  they are loyal and
reliable.  I will often fund an account on the basis of a word or request
knowning the funds will arrive in due course and they always do.  I may not
have many clients at the moment but they are increasing at a sleady rate.
With new clients I do not accept cheques, only cash, wires or technocash.

Just a few ideas to throw around and see where they stick....

Kind regards,
Michael Moore
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