Forwarded from JP because he has used up his daily quota!

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 9:52 PM
Subject: Re: [e-gold-list] Fw: Re: why paypal wins and e-gold not.....

>: bpay and internet banking are all reversible though, just like any
>: bank transaction
>This is incorrect for internet banking...

hey man!  maybe it's different in NZ.  i've seen it, also i asked the 
manager of my local rural branch (actually we ended up having a huge 
chat about egold, wire transfers and all sorts of stuff!) and he 
stated they were reversible, as were bpay etc.

{this makes sense to me since they're just bank payments, no 
different from wires or checks, which can relatively easily be 
reversed - I see no conceptual reason why internet banking would be 

But he may have been wrong -- can you get it in writing that they 
can't be reversed?!

It's worth noting that generally in Australia it's much, much less 
likely, far harder, to get out of a transaction (wire, check etc) 
than in the rest of the world (which is a good thing of course -- or 
actually it might be a bad thing as it hits harder when it happens! 
:-) )

by the way I used-up the idiot email quota thing, feel free to tell 
all this to anyone you think it would be useful to :)

Sidd rocks!


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