Let it be known that charges inferred and implied in the Civil Action Document 02 CV 8993 regarding Gold Today and Michael Moore are false and deceptive.

At no time has Gold Today or Michael Moore actively promoted Osgold or Ossops in any way or received any commissions from OSGold or Ossopps for any purpose. Gold Today and Michael Moore have never met David Reed, Randy Johnson or any of the staff of OSgold or associated companies or businesses. or ever formed any arrangement with them.

Gold Today performs the function of a retailer and only ever bought and sold osgold on behalf of clients so wishing. Gold Today also buys at wholesale rates and sells e-gold and goldmoney at client request at retail rates as set out on the web site. Such request taking the form of an order duly filled out on the gold today web site and the terms and conditions agreed to in order for the order to be effected. I refer all to the Terms & Conditions on the http://www/gold-today.com web site.

Michael Moore
Gold Today
A Member of the Gaithman Group of Companies
An Accredited Founding Member of the
eCurrency Trade Association Inc

'Always check that gold account before you spend. Go to www.currencyregistry.com it's free!'

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