Please note the recent changes to the website and the Terms & Conditions.

1. The Technocash Payment system is no longer being accepted. This is due to the high cost involved in accepting and processing Technocash Payments and the inordinately extended amount of time it takes to receive payment from Technocash. It was actually costing us money to process them. We still accept Cash, Wires and online transactions of course. We do not and have never at any time accepted credit cards. We have began accepting PayPal (see below).

2. As I am still getting heaps of overseas orders coming in I would like to reiterate that Gold Today ONLY accepts orders originating out of Australia (Past New Zealand Clients still accepted). We are currently negotiating a possible reciprocal arrangement with a reputable exchange provider who will accept our overseas orders in exchange for their Australian.

3. Please note the new Terms & Conditions posted on the site.

4. Our fees remain at 5% of the CLEARED FUNDS in our bank with PayPal being the exception. Please see point 5 below.

5. PayPal is now accepted subject to the terms and conditions displayed on the web site. With ALL PayPal orders, I hold the prerogative to refuse any PayPal order I am not totally satisfied with. Fee for Service with PayPal is 11% of the CLEARED FUNDS in our bank accounts.

6. Currently we are selling e-gold and GoldMoney. If the business warrants it we will also resume selling e-bullion at a later stage. The same goes for Pecunix. If there is a call for it we will consider adding it to our list.

Kind regards,

A Member of the eCurrency Trade Association Inc.

"Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better."
- Harry Truman

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