Paul - you read my mind....noticed the subject ;)

I was thinking, i have to go to see the eye doctor...just imagine...wake up
and start the morning/evening with reading some strange messages on the egold
list......i was thinking very seriously of getting a new pair of
glasses....then 4 cups of espresso later.. i saw that it was a language and
was spending 1 hour to get things translated (without results) ;))

just for the curious mind -... what language was it (trying to KNOW what the
messages said)...;)

Ps. hows the weather in estonia  paul ? 

Ps.2 to everyone on this list - Icegold IS THE fastest exchanger on the planet
- from e-gold to my bank account in sweden...- 20 speed
record...;) anyone think they can beat it ;)..

ps3. i DONT get paid to promote icegold - i JUST DO IT...;)

ps4. Thank you Nick and Marco at Fidex for the wonderful and productive week
in Nice / France..things are rocking at the S&T Business Group...

Best regards
Patrik Isacsson - E-Business made easy!!!

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