Hello Karl,

I am not sure why everyone thinks that the location of the server is
relevant in terms of legalities when courts have clearly decided that the
location of the operator is paramount.

Of course, French courts went as far as saying that the location of buyers
is the most relevant point when it comes to establishing valid

As far as I can see, where the server is located is only relevant if you
are outright breaking the law of the land - the land you reside in and
hope to draw your customers from.

That said, your requests sounds awfully as if you were planning to spam,
in which case we can't and won't help you. If however, that is not the
case, then have a look at www.cyberica.net and email us for a more
specific quote.

On a different note, if you are not spamming, how about adding health
insurance ( see www.cyfrocash.com ) to your product range?


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