So, it looks like we're both going to miss on the gold
price hitting $400/oz for that discussion we've had
over on  That price might be as much as 45
days from Friday.  Call it 8 December.  It may be as
soon as 36 days from Friday.  30 November.  The Friday
closes nearest those dates are 28 November and 5 December,
but the 28th is the day after Thanksgiving in New York,
so I'll have to check the Comex to see if they are open.

Something to think about. What's your view, JP?

Well one point of view Mr. JD is, just look at a 60 day chart and you can see it looks a bit like it's setting up the second of a double-top (ie meaning it will go down over the next few weeks).

FWIW: I did suspect that from yesterday it would go down a bit at least for a few days. I told this to say Dan at Sydney Gold Sales and he promtply went out to a disco to see if I was right in a few hours!!! ;-)

BTW Sydney Gold Sales seems to be doing very well lately, perhaps because of their SIMPLE, SIMPLE, SIMPLE methods for selling gold at retail, and since Dan is my sometime in-law, I suggest everyone buys gold there immediately !! If not from Cambist of course!



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