Anyone stupid enough to fall for one of those Nigerian scams doesn't 
deserve to have that money in the first place (IMO).

On the subject of the 'who's regulating these off-shore unlicensed 
casino/MLM schemes?' I can only say that there are a lot of idiots on 
the Internet. There's the numerous people who are experts in subjects 
they know nothing about. There are also the easily-led, gullible 
masses who tend to listen to the aforementioned experts. And finally 
there are the real peaches, the ones who fall for every MLM HYIP 
which is obviously a scam and obviously being run by the same people 
who ripped them off last week yet they get swindled again and again. 
They also seem to be the people who get perturbed at urban legend 
emails and pass them on to every unfortunate who has ever 
corresponded with them. There's lots of good information at the site

I hope I haven't given my head-cold to anyone else on the list via 
this email, but you all know how these computer viruses get around.

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