Valued e-gold Users:

In January, e-gold Ltd. will announce its new Micropayment Initiative for Online 
Digital Content. To better support enhanced micropayment capabilities, a new formula 
for calculating e-gold Spend fees will be put into effect January 1, 2004, the first 
substantive adjustment since 1996. The new formula corrects some longstanding 
peculiarities.  For example, in the past, extremely small value (less than a penny) 
silver payments were permitted despite both the transaction amount (and especially the 
fee) being so tiny as to serve no consequential economic purpose.  Another anomaly 
that will be corrected is the cap on Spend fees. In the past, this cap has been 
calculated according to US dollar equivalence, at 50 cents. This is being changed to a 
weight-based cap, which varies from e-metal to e-metal. 

Well established advantages of e-gold will not change. Unlike virtually every other 
alternative payment system, e-gold will
continue to be bi-directional, with no arbitrary distinction between "consumers" 
(payers) and "merchants" (entities that receive payments). Every e-gold account 
remains fully capable of making and receiving payments and there is no fee for making 
a Spend. 

The new formulas are: 

e-gold Spends...

  >=          <         Formula
------       ---        --------------  
AUG 0.0004   AUG 0.1    5% + AUG 0.0002
AUG 0.1      AUG 0.5    1.25% + AUG 0.00375
AUG 0.5      AUG 1      AUG 0.01
AUG 1        AUG 5      1%
>= AUG 5                AUG 0.05

e-silver Spends...

  >=          <         Formula
------       ---        --------------  
AGG 0.02     AGG 5      5% + AGG 0.009
AGG 5        AGG 25     1.25% + AGG 0.1875
AGG 25       AGG 50     AGG 0.5
AGG 50       AGG 250    1%
>= AGG 250              AGG 2.50

e-platinum Spends...

  >=          <         Formula
------       ---        --------------  
PTG 0.0004   PTG 0.1    5% + PTG 0.0002
PTG 0.1      PTG 0.5    1.25% + PTG 0.00375
PTG 0.5      PTG 1      PTG 0.01
PTG 1        PTG 5      1%
>= PTG 5                PTG 0.05

e-palladium Spends...

  >=          <         Formula
------       ---        --------------  
PDG 0.0004   PDG 0.1    5% + PDG 0.0002
PDG 0.1      PDG 0.5    1.25% + PDG 0.00375
PDG 0.5      PDG 1      PDG 0.01
PDG 1        PDG 5      1%
>= PDG 5                PDG 0.05

Thank you for using e-gold.

Doctor Douglas Jackson
Chairman, e-gold Ltd.
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Safe web surfing tip: Get in the habit of checking the SSL key/padlock icon in your 
browser and address/location bar *before* submitting sensitive information like your 
e-gold passphrase.

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