Dear (un)leash and Susan, the following info on goldmining was just sent me
this morning.  Hope it helps!  --E.

>>Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 21:11:56 -0700
>>From: Earth First! Media Center <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: John Seed's Anti-Gold Campaign/Road Show Info.
>>X-To: Recipient List Suppressed:;
>>X-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Unverified)
>>From: Project Underground & Rainforest Information Centre
>>This is an invitation to join GoldBusters, a coalition of groups opposed to
>>the mining of gold. By joining our coalition, you will be offering your
>>support to a global campaign that aims at decreasing the unnecessary
>>consumption of gold.
>>The mining of gold is one of the most environmentally destructive
>>industrial activities presently blighting our planet and wreaks havoc on
>>indigenous communities on every continent. In dozens of countries
>>mercury-laced tailings, eroded land and acid mine drainage stand as visible
>>and toxic legacies of gold rushes from days gone by.
>>Unfortunately in the 1990s, the gold mining industry has experienced a boom
>>due to new technologies, principally using cyanide to leach the gold from
>>its parent rock. In 1995, a waste water dam at the Omai gold mine in Guyana
>>broke and spilt 3.2 billion liters of cyanide-laced waste into the river in
>>what is believed to be the biggest such disaster in history.
>>The environmental destruction is often coupled with human rights abuses
>>that stretch back from the foundation of the Roman Empire on Spanish gold
>>to the genocide of the native people of California in the gold rush of 1849
>>to the current cultural devastation of the Western Shoshone in Nevada, US.
>>Heroic and historic struggles are being waged from Australia to Zimbabwe by
>>scores, if not hundreds, of groups opposing a gold mine in their own
>>country or region. We are sending this letter out to all of you in the
>>belief that, working in concert, we have a chance to get to the heart of
>>the problem, instead of working separately on one poisonous symptom after
>>another. We propose to network our groups together and build a movement
>>against goldmining.
>>GoldBusters is a two-pronged campaign aimed at jewelry consumers on the one
>>hand, and nations' gold reserves on the other. Gold Busters aims to depress
>>the price of gold by asking governments and individuals to divest of gold
>>investments and consumers to no longer purchase gold jewelry. Depressing
>>the price of gold would lead to the decommissioning of many mines, and the
>>dumping of exploration stocks by investors. GoldBusters, much like the
>>campaigns which cut the market for fur, hopes to rob gold of its luster.
>>The good news is that the price of gold has been hovering at an historic
>>low, having dropped from $800/ounce in 1979 to under $300 at present. This
>>reduces the demand for new gold mines and so the current depression in the
>>price of gold is good for the planet. For example, twenty gold mines in
>>Australia have been postponed or closed since the value of gold fell below
>>$300 per ounce. In 1996, if you include the cost of exploration, an ounce
>>of gold cost $317 to produce.
>>Our job is made easier by the trivial uses to which most gold is put. Some
>>80% of new gold being mined worldwide is for jewelry. In the US, 70% of the
>>gold jewelry purchased is bought by women who certainly are unaware of the
>>true costs of the gold they wear. Women and men are being asked to lay down
>>their gold jewels as they give voice to their care for the Earth, and for
>>future generations.
>>The US has the highest per capita consumption of gold and 1.6 million
>>students will buy gold and silver class rings this year. Youth, unwitting
>>consumers, are joining our Youth GoldBusters Campaign by adapting
>>alternatives such as tree planting to mark the passage from educational
>>institutions in more nurturing ways.
>>Gold's current price depression has been deepened by the sale of hundreds
>>of tons of bullion by central banks around the world. About one quarter of
>>all the gold in existence - 34,000 tonnes worth nearly 330 billion dollars
>>at current market prices - is part of the international reserves of
>>governments, central banks and other financial institutions. However, since
>>the US stopped pegging the dollar to gold, gold is becoming increasingly
>>irrelevant to world finance. An investment in bullion worth $100 in 1987
>>would now be worth less than $70 today. Some countries have realized this
>>and started selling their reserves of gold, especially Canada (85% now
>>sold), Australia (68%), Argentina (100%) and the Netherlands. Even the
>>Swiss - a country historically wed to gold as a hedge -- are considering
>>selling two-thirds of their gold by referendum next year and the US Federal
>>Reserve has circulated strategy papers on doing it.
>>We feel that the Swiss are already vulnerable to pressure concerning the
>>ethics of holding gold since much of their reserve was stolen by the Nazis,
>>even gold teeth from Auschwitz. Many other governments can be lobbied by
>>citizens asking Reserve Banks to sell their gold before its value drops
>>Organizations formed by the multinational goldmining corporations are
>>scrambling into damage control mode to try and stem the tide as jittery
>>investors divest. For example, New York Business Wire -- Oct. 15, 1998 --
>>saw Mr. Robert Pringle, head of the World Gold Council's Centre for Public
>>Policy Studies denying the "initial horror stories, of a tidal wave of
>>Swiss gold deluging the market place" and downplaying "the calamities
>>envisioned by some market commentators."
>>We propose to turn Mr. Pringle's nightmares into reality.
>>Last year, an article called "THE DEATH OF GOLD" appeared on the front page
>>of London's "FINANCIAL TIMES". In October of the same year, the London
>>Daily Mail (Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News) wrote a gloomy story about
>>the worries of the gold industry, noting that "Central banks are unloading
>>and the rest of us are just not buying enough of the stuff."
>>We envisage a worldwide GoldBuster coalition working in concert to put an
>>end to gold mining. The coalition will include:
>>* Groups from around the world opposing a particular gold mine;
>>* Other environmental and indigenous rights groups;
>>* Groups opposing the corporate takeover of the world;
>>* Groups like those organizing Buy Nothing Day and other groups who oppose
>>useless consumption;
>>* Celebrities turning in their gold to fund grassroots campaigns against
>>gold mining;
>>* Student activists;
>>* Feminist activists
>>Once we have publicized this among groups likely to join the campaign, we
>>envisage actions including:
>>* A massive publicity campaign including direct actions against gold mines
>>* Campaigns directed against different sectors of the gold business
>>* Campaigns to support those trying to convince nations like the US and
>>Switzerland to sell their gold
>>* A roadshow in the US going from city to city with public performances and
>>* Shareholder strategies to stop companies in the gold mining business,
>>especially the most destructive mines.
>>We recognize that there are many complex aspects of such a campaign against
>>the gold mining industry: e.g. the single biggest market is in India where
>>gold is wrapped up with the status of women (mostly through the dowry
>>system); e.g. the fact that there are indigenous communities who earn their
>>living from gold and have done so for a very long time; e.g. the massive
>>impacts we can expect on workforces like those in South Africa's mines.
>>We intend to address these issues as the campaign advances through: careful
>>research, inclusive political advocacy for a just transition for an
>>industry which hurts the communities it operates in and strategic alliance
>>building with labor, women and indigenous organizations. The reality,
>>however, is that more than 99% of gold comes from the desecration of the
>>Earth and has no redeeming features whatsoever. We intend to bring the
>>industry to a grinding halt. Please join us.
>>As a member of GoldBusters, your group's name would be included on our
>>campaigning material and we would send you information from time to time
>>about the progress of the campaign.
>>It would be great if you could:
>>* disseminate information about the GoldBusters campaign to your community
>>* send us the latest information about what your group is up to as it
>>relates to gold mining.
>>If you would like to join GoldBusters, please respond to this email with
>>the name of your group and any other information you'd like us to have.
>>for the Earth,
>>John Seed & Ruth Rosenhek
>>While preparing to launch the campaign, the following groups are already on
>>Rainforest Information Centre
>>Timbarra Action Coalition (Australia)
>>Project Underground
>>Ecole -- Adventures International
>>Sacred Earth Network
>>Ruckus Society
>>Rainforest Action Network
>>Earth Culture, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>ACERCA Action for Community & Ecology in the Rainforests of Central
>>World Wide Film Expedition [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Yayasan Bina Alam Indonesia, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Th. TEkla TIrah LIah, Kalimantan Timur, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>The fact that keeping gold prices down will benefit the environment is
>>strongly indicated by recent events here in Australia. 3 years ago, the NSW
>>state government refused to allow a $210 million gold mine to be created at
>>Lake Cowal due to environmen tal danger to an important wetlands system.
>>Last week, just before the state electiuon, the government changed their
>>minds. So that they could "create some more jobs" they gave the company the
>>go-ahead. However, as reported in the Sydney Morning Herald of March 21
>>1999 under the headline "The Price is Not Right", the company says that
>>poor gold prices make it uneconomic. "Analysts say the low-grade deposit is
>>marginal, given the capital cost and current state of commodity prices."
>>I wonder how many other environmentally destructive mines around the world
>>cannot begin for the same reason?
>>Earth First! Media Center
>>Andy Caffrey, director
>>We're trying to remove the obstacles to your involvement.
>>We could do so much more with your help. Forest activists are now being
>>bombed, murdered, and assassinated without any outrage expressed in the
>>media! We have just discovered that the violent "Wise Use" movement is now
>>tracking every one of our postings. Your involvement would be an invaluable
>>aid to our ability to maintain vigilance.
>>Why not show this material to your friends? Just print it out and make some
>>photocopies to help get the word out and to help us raise operating funds.
>>Even more helpful material is available at our web site. Our postings about
>>David Chain's killing have now gone out to over a million people on five
>>continents and been translated into French, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish
>>and Russian. Portugese is next!
>>We have just gone through a tormenting last seven months and are *still*
>>flat broke with broken down gear, scant supplies, and late bills to cover.
>>If we are to continue on we need money and certain supplies such as Epson
>>740 ink cartridges (B&W and Color), zip disks, videotape, postage, file
>>cabinets and subscriptions to periodicals. And we could really use a
>>scanner for our iMac so we could make photographs available to you. Please
>>send contributions payable to "Earth First!" to
>>Earth First! Media Center
>>P.O. Box 324
>>Redway, CA  95560

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Visiting Faculty, Jepson Leadership Studies
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

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