Dear List,

Analysing Palaeolimnological Data with R

16th - 20th August 2012
University Marine Biological Station Millport, Isle of Cumbrae, Scotland

Steve Juggins and I will be running a 4-day residential R course to
coincide with the International Paleolimnology Symposium this August.
The course will be held at the University Marine Biological Station
Millport on the Isle of Cumbrae, within easy reach of Glasgow and the
IPS2012 venue.

The course costs £300 + VAT and includes food, accommodation and course
materials. We have support from PAGES to assist with costs for young
researchers from developing countries (see below). Please note that you
do *not* need to register for IPS2012 to attend the R course; it is open
to anyone.

The course will cover many topics of particular interest to
palaeolimnologists and palaeoecologists. Details can be found on the
course website:

Full course details can also be downloaded as a PDF:

To register for the course, please visit:

** Support for young researchers from developing countries **
Thanks to the generous support of PAGES we are able to cover travel,
subsistence and course costs (up to £1100) for five young researchers
from developing countries. If you would like to apply for PAGES
financial support please send a CV and short covering letter outlining
your research interests and why the course will benefit you to both
Gavin and Steve (our contact details are on the course website). The
deadline for applying for PAGES support is 15th May 2012.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

We look forward to seeing you in August.

 Dr. Gavin Simpson             [t] +44 (0)20 7679 0522
 ECRC, UCL Geography,          [f] +44 (0)20 7679 0565
 Pearson Building,             [e]
 Gower Street, London          [w]
 UK. WC1E 6BT.                 [w]

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