Chères et chers collègues,
Jeudi prochain, nous aurons le plaisir d'accueillir Emanuela Ceva au SĂ©minaire
Nosophi, pour une conférence intitulée "Progressing Towards Justice: The Case
for Blowing the Whistle on Political Corruption". 
La séance se déroulera en Salle 11 du Centre Panthéon, 12 Place du Panthéon,
Paris de 16h Ă  18h. 
Voici le résumé de la séance: The paper starts by presenting “political
corruption” as the use of powers of office to pursue an agenda whose rationale
is incoherent with the terms of that power mandate. I argue that political
corruption is not only unjust when it produces specific negative consequences
for individual subjective rights. Political corruption is also inherently
“interactively unjust” because it constitutes (and does not merely cause) a
disruption of the logic of public accountability that should regulate
institutional interactions whereby entrusted power is exercised in legitimate
rule-based systems. From this perspective, appropriately regulated
whistleblowing is critical to identify corrupt institutional interactions and
restore their logic of public accountability that political corruption disrupts.
Therefore, the state ought to regulate whistleblowing to make it safe for all
parties involved and protect whistleblowers against retaliation. Such regulation
of whistleblowing contributes to progress towards justice in nonideal
En raison des mesures de sécurité en vigueur, toute personne ne possédant ni
carte professionnelle, ni carte d’étudiant d’une institution ancrée en Sorbonne
doit s’inscrire plusieurs jours à l’avance à l’adresse : <>. 
Bien cordialement,Yann Schmitt

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