[ekonomi-nasional] Design for Confusion (Fake Researchs by NEOCONS?!)

2005-08-05 Terurut Topik sidqy suyitno
Design for ConfusionBy PAUL KRUGMANPublished: August 5, 2005 I’d like to nominate Irving Kristol, the neoconservative former editor of The Public Interest, as the father of “intelligent design.” No, he didn’t play any role in developing the doctrine. But he is the father of the political

[ekonomi-nasional] Theories of humour (Why people laugh)

2005-08-05 Terurut Topik sidqy suyitno
Theories of humour Poking fun http://www.economist.com/science/displayStory.cfm?story_id=4246393 Aug 4th 2005 | TUEBINGEN, GERMANY From The Economist print edition Why people laugh THE true story of how your wife’s stalker rang her to discuss killing you isn’t supposed to provoke mirth.

[ekonomi-nasional] Does the WTO promote trade? [The Economist , Aug 4, 2005]

2005-08-05 Terurut Topik sidqy suyitno
Economics focus Is there any point to the WTO? http://www.economist.com/finance/displayStory.cfm?story_id=4251046 Aug 4th 2005 From The Economist print edition Does the World Trade Organisation promote trade? A reprise. SUPACHAI PANITCHPAKDI, the softly spoken director-general of the World

[ekonomi-nasional] Re: Gaji Pas-pasan, Saldo Milyaran

2005-08-05 Terurut Topik ~YOGHA
Saya sendiri juga heran dimana hati nurani mereka, yg notabene bergelar tinggi dan menyandang gelar keagamaan ( mereka beragama khan? ) di depan nama mereka. Apa mereka tidak menyadari /mengerti azab dari setiap perbuatan atau paling tidak karma. Atau memang sudah soak semua onderdil nuraninya

[ekonomi-nasional] Koperasi Solusi Atasi Kemiskinan

2005-08-05 Terurut Topik Ambon
http://www.padangekspres.com/mod.php?mod=publisherop=viewarticleartid=4083 Koperasi Solusi Atasi Kemiskinan Oleh H Gamawan Fauzi Oleh admin padek 1 Jumat, 05-Agustus-2005, 19:05:30 Untuk mengatasi permasalahan di atas, kita

[ekonomi-nasional] RUU 2601 Kongres AS

2005-08-05 Terurut Topik A_Dharmawan
Jumat, 05 Agustus 2005 Papua Dimasukan Skenario Global AS untuk Pecah Belah NKRI Jakarta-RoL-- Munculnya perkembangan Propinsi Papua yang didorong memisahkan diri dari NKRI yang termaktub dalam draft RUU 2601 di Kongres AS, tidak lebih sebagai skenario global Amerika Serikat dan Uni Eropa untuk