Jack Smith wrote:
> I'm extremely left-handed as well. Hence, I put all the push button
> softkey switches for the Z90 panadapter on the LEFT side of the
> LCD...It works a lot better for me than having them on the right
> hand side.
> So far, no one has commented on that, which might mean that hams
> are (a) unobservant or (b) all left-handed as well.

Most likely answer is (a). However, years ago while still grinding away at the employment thing (with marginal success), I had an engineering team of exactly a dozen trying to rescue a project that was rattling around in the bottom of the tank. Engineering schools should teach more project management, maybe in place of some of the math ... I never saw a project fail for lack of knowledge of partial differential equations, but I sure saw a lot that failed on elementary project management and rudimentary cost accounting knowledge and application.

Eleven of us were left-handed and we of course exercised our majority rights and set up the three CAE stations left-handed. The one dexterous member took it in stride and acknowledged that payback-time does come to all every now and then and he adapted. It didn't seem to affect his work, and I think he may have actually been a closet southpaw.

I am still looking for my 15% additional income however. With 4 kids, the outgo always seem to equal the income, sometimes before the income came. For the record, as a 13-yr old, I learned to send CW right-handed (from a left-handed Elmer) so I could write with my left hand. "Really important," he said. Turns out, I can't write very legibly with either hand.

I find the K2 to be pretty much non-handed. It would be nice if the SPOT switch and XFIL were on the left, and I could easily tolerate MENU and DISPLAY on the right since I never need them during normal operation. I think some of the K2 non-handedness comes from its much smaller size. My FT-847 is really annoying ... the key pad is really on the right and I cover up the display when I use it, fingers supporting my hand on top and big thumb poking tiny buttons.

All in all thought, I think Wayne and Eric have done a class job.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
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