Good Evening,
    Somewhere between Dave, K1THP, and Dave, W8OV, I heard what seemed 
to be a wall of QRN.  It rose in a matter of minutes and kept on going.  
When I closed the first net I don't think I could have heard my next 
door neighbor let alone someone in Colorado.  I had read the sun was 
becoming more active; I wonder if that was it?

    The second net was tougher because 40 meters was weaker but there 
was less noise than normal.  Maybe we are nearing the end of the 
doldrums around the exquinoxes.  Speaking of seasonal changes I noticed 
my first trillium today.  It has been a very strange year because I am 
now feeding hummingbirds while I have yet to see my first daffodil.  
Normally there is an order to these things.

On to the lists =>

   On 15050 kHz at 2200z:
NO8V - John - MI - K3 - 820
K0DTJ - Brian - CA - K3 - 4113
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K3 - 457
N0TA - John - CO - K3 - 994
K1THP - Dave - CT - K3 - 686
N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866
W8OV - Dave - TX - K3 - 3139

   On 7045 kHz at 0000z:
K6PJV - Dale - CA - K3 - 1183
K0DTJ - Brian - CA - K3 - 4113
N0TA - John - CO - K3 - 994

    The coyotes are very happy as are the frogs.  Both are making noise 
around dusk.  I did see sign of elk on my last hike so they are back up 
here too.  The land is waking up with some pollen and a few tiny leaves 
opening.  The early flowers are out except for my recalcitrant 
daffodils.  It looks like this week will be wet so I'll stay inside and 
finish my first four layer board.  Nothing like my motherboard which has 
16 layers but it is enough for me right now.
    Until next week stay well,
          Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)

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