Good Afternoon,
   This morning, before dawn, I sent a query message about changing the net 
times.  I have gotten many favorable replies.  However, there seems to be an 
error in my times (what else is new?)  The proposed Zulu times are what I had 
intended.  But for the 40 meter net I did not change the local time correctly.  
I want to put one hour between the start times of the two nets instead of the 
usual two hours.  I will make and eat dinner after the nets are done.  


The current times are:

Monday 0000z (Sunday 4 PM PST) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 6 PM PST)  7045 kHz

This would be the new schedule if there is agreement:

Sunday 2300z (Sunday 3 PM PST) 14050 kHz
Monday 0000z (Sunday 4 PM PST)  7045 kHz


   A request has been made for a comprehensive listing of time zones.  Being 
lower 48 centric I will stick with the usual Eastern, Central, Mountain, and 
Pacific time zones.  The rest of you will have to fend for yourselves :)  

So    3 PM PST is 4 PM MST and 5 PM CST and 6 PM EST
While 4 PM PST is 5 PM MST and 6 PM CST and 7 PM EST

   I am glad we do not have really odd time zones like they have in other 
countries.  Some of them are 45 minutes different from the one next to them.  I 
have a hard enough time here.  I think if I lived in one of those countries I 
would simply stick with Hopi time: it is always now.  One cannot beat that!
Further comments (or critiques) are requested.
      Kevin.  KD5ONS
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