Greetings all:

Like Tom Hammond(N0SS) said... Sweepstakes is FUN! Really the only contest that I put any effort into. This year's effort was minimal... about 11 hours. QRP level and only a low wire make things even more challenging. I didn't manage a clean sweep, but got 'em all except NT, AK, and PAC. In the late afternoon (~21Z) I had to come upstairs and watch the Patriots whip up on some team from out in the midwest<g>. By the time I got back downstairs to continue with the contest, the ionosphere was really messed up and my 5 watts couldn't seem to get out of the back yard.

Anyway... here's my results. If I'm lucky, I'll win first place, QRP, in my section (RI)<g>.

Band            QSOs            Sec
80              7               3
40              138             27
20              73              21
15              80              19
10              35              7

Total           333             77

Ken Wagner K3IU
K2 #3756 & 4181

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