
Just to say, THANKYOU SO MUCH to everyone that has so far responded to my
yesterdays plea for help as regards the 
Above subject heading...

The response to say the least as been overwhelming, I feel there are other
posts yet to come from those who have
Yet to view my past plea.. That can only be a good thing ..I shall continue
to read whatever makes it through on
The subject for sure..

ONE THING, that I have to apologise for is that I made an "error of
judgement" in my subject heading of the plea
Request in that... it is NOT indeed "Dans Small Parts" ( least I
think I made a mistake) who indeed stocks
The "boards only" parts for the "Sierra" it should have read "Far Circuits"
from what I believe from some of the 
Input to my request that I have seen so far from others who responded..

SO SORRY.. for the confuse, totally on my part you understand, lets hope
that anyone in the future reads the lists
Archives BEFORE looking for the boards only thing through the wrong
seller..! Again I apologise for the confusion..

As for the findings...

1..  Most folks are of the opinion that ANYONE not just myself, who is
thinking about venturing on the journey
     Of constructing a "Sierra" transceiver, should do so through the
purchase of the full kit or at least the 
     Parts they can afford from "Wilderness Radio" who's website is well
documented on the www.  In retrospect
     I "kinda knew" this would be the way most folks would have ventured,
for a number of reasons :-

"Wilderness Sierra" - Complete (if the builder so desires) Kit     

1.. The kit can be purchased "complete" or "in parts" that the constructor
can purchase as an when needed
         At a later date.

2..  The construction of the boards, thru having "plated thru holes" makes
it a much easier task for both
     The experienced builder and also someone no so experienced to
accomplish the goal..  Some may make
     Mistakes along the way, some may not...either way the end product if
one goes down the route of purchasing
     The rig kit from the folks at Wilderness Radio the whole experience
will be a much more enjoyable
     One with less "hassle" of sourcing parts, having to "fit things in"
when the layout of the board(s)
     From other vendors would not necessarily mean the construction of the
radio was that straight forward..

A 10/10 in my book for sure...

          "Far Circuits Sierra" version - Boards Only Kit

1..       One could if they felt confident enough and if the financial
constraints at the time meant that this was the
          "only" feasible option, purchase the "parts only" boards from .. But with the quality
          Of the boards from this vendor (as mentioned to me through various
replies today) NOT being as top quality
          As the boards in the complete kit from Wilderness Radio.. some
preparation and thought would need to go
          Into the initial planning stages WELL BEFORE the start of the
construction of the radio was to begin for it
          To be a successful build..

          The "Parts Only" boards available from requires that the builder
must "scrounge around" for the other (some 
          Quite important in the construction of the rig) "more important"
parts of the radio, that are NOT included
          In the "parts only" boards kit available from "Far Circuits"...
And as the radio was designed initially 
          Some time ago, these parts, the builder might find... nie
impossible to source in todays present climate..

2..       With this kit (Far Circuits) as far as I have been advised, some
of the parts need to be orientated awkwardly ..perhaps
          A problem for the first time builder or just a plain
hassle..Problems may arise because of this in the de-bugging
          Stage of the build... The boards are not of as great quality as
the Wilderness Radio version.. Some parts
          May be hard to source...

          "Norcal Sierra" Version

1..        This is primarily the SAME version as the "Norcal Sierrra" and
the SAME version as the "Sierra" in the pages
           Of the ARRL Handbooks..  So I guess the same negatives apply here
(for me personally anyway), in that the
           Boards would need to be made from doing some etching and
duplicating (already done on the Far Circuit kit
           But still not quite as good as the Wilderness Radio version) of
the boards, would need to be done here.. Parts
           Sourcing would also need to be done if one were to attempt
building the ARRL Sierra Version ... 

           NOT.! You all understand such a bad thing... The fun to be had
sourcing, re-routing components to a "better"
           Or "modified" layout... And the circuit boards, as far as I have
came to understand, are still... although "OK"
           Not to the best of quality..  

2..        The "Wilderness Sierra" version has had improvements made of this
version of the radio also, which are incorporated
           In its boards from the outset...

3..        Lastly.. THE MANUAL.. not such an "Important Thing" within the
proceedings is it..!!!!!!!   I am told that the manual
           For both the "Norcal" version of the radio AND the manual (of
sorts here..) from Far Circuits both could be a little
           More clearer on things, and as yet as folks are aware NOT been
updated or re-written yet...

SO..! with ALL of the above points in mind... I think that the plan will be,
as it had been a few years back, milling around in my
"tiny little head", that the purchase of either the "basic" Wilderness
Sierra version of the radio will be for me at the least and time
Being.. the way to go.. Complete kit (if I want it), parts ready available,
better quality circuit boards, components, a better written
More precise and clear manual, AND a "Guarantee" ... Things kinda swings in
its favour for me with these points alone..

NOT ! To say, that I won't venture sometime through my ham career and try my
hand at a sierra from some other source, either "parts only" with my doing
the rest of the work, or perhaps even buying the "Norcal Sierra" version..
But for the time being, when I have
Finally saved up all my pennies\cents I think the way to go for me will be
the purchase of some sort of "Wilderness Radio Sierra"

I would just like to say, a resounding THANKS GUYS to one and all who took
the time to read my "plea" and respond respectively...each
And every one of your comments, both for and against have been duly noted...
Again it just goes to show, that the QRP Fraternity, is 
Alive n Kickin with all its mite... and that within amateur radio as a hobby
worldwide on a whole.. we have some of best and most
Knowledgable people who can share their knowledge and experience in a
helpful, unbiased, experienced manner...

With that, I thank you again.. I will no doubt post again as an when I
actually purchase the Sierra kit and keep you all informed of its
Progress, I've admired that little radio from the first day I saw it all
those many years ago, with the help and experience that you
Guys have shared with me and everyone here on the list over the last few
days, I can say that I am much more wiser and confident of the
way ahead...

72's 73's
GM0NWI                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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