You have apprarently never read (or heard) much of Will Rogers' work. In my 
teens (50 years ago), I was lucky enough to discover him via recordings of his 
weekly radio broadcasts in our public library. As an adult, I visited the Will 
Rogers library in OK, and bought several books of his writings (he wrote a 
regular newpaper column as well). In his day, he was at least as popular as 
any entertainer alive today, and his weekly radio show ran on the network in 
prime time until he died in a plane crash.  

Will Rogers has long been one of my heroes. He poked serious fun at 
politicians and other public figures, and his humor could hardly be described 
as subtle. His targets were stuffed shirts, the absence of common sense, and 
those who took advantage of others (including the public trust). A true man of 
the people, his comments are, sadly, timeless in their applicability to modern 
times. The stuff he said in the 20's have been said by in their own way by the 
likes of Lenny Bruce, Bill Cosby, or Jay Leno in their night club act -- but  
on televison!. 

Jim Brown  K9YC

On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 11:24:48 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Humorists do not make personal attacks, they poke fun at mankind...

>>Oh well, Jerry, we have been plagued by smark alecks for years. Such
>ones as Mark Twain, Will Rogers, Dave Barry. Someone should really do 
>something, this unecessary frivolity has got to come to a stop!

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