Jonas Fonseca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Yeah, they are probably not generally useful besides for users and
> developers who should be knowing what they do. But it also feels a bit
> wrong to simply drop the warnings. With the option you propose, maybe
> the a single shorter warning message is acceptable:
>       Warnings found while parsing /.../elinks.conf.
>       Use the --check-config option to show all warnings.
> Perhaps shorter than that.

Well if you replace the verbose warnings with that message but
keep the pause, then it'll still be as annoying as it is now.
I think it should be possible to switch back and forth between
ELinks versions without getting such warnings, even though old
versions do not support all options that new versions may have
saved in elinks.conf.

A bit related to this is bug 503; fixing that would remove the
parse errors that now follow each unrecognized-option warning.

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