joey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I recently ran into a crash bug with elinks. I've provided a backtrace,
> a sample document, and a proposed patch. Basically, html_special() in
> src/document/html/renderer.c sets document->refresh without checking
> to see if document is a valid pointer first (inside the SP_REFRESH
> case).

The patch makes sense to me, but I hope someone else will review
it, because I don't know the rendering code very well.  I also
fear the crash might be a symptom of a deeper problem, but then
again there already are a few "if (document)" checks in
html_special, so perhaps my suspicion is unfounded.

The SP_FRAMESET case uses document->frame_desc without checking
whether document is NULL.  It would be interesting to know if
that too can be used to crash ELinks.

> 3) crash.html - The file that exposed the bug

Here is a much shorter one.  Let's see if this one gets through
the spamassassin.

Title: Refresh in a table cell

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