Am 13.11.2017 um 15:07 schrieb Eric S Fraga:
On Monday, 13 Nov 2017 at 13:12, Rainer Stengele wrote:

I have this TODO in my Org file:

*** TODO Chapter 7:21-23 - text                                                 
     SCHEDULED: <2017-11-13 Mo>

my related agenda shows this:

Montag     13 November 2017 W46
   Privat:           7:21......        Scheduled:  TODO     Chapter -23 - text

It seems that the agenda in a strange way extracts the timestamp
"7:21" from "7:21-23 -text" but leaves "-23 -test" as the TODO
subject.  Could this be a bug?

If you don't want org to search for times in the headline, check out

It is probably very difficult to define a pattern that excludes examples
like yours from being parsed for a time when it shouldn't...

Hi Eric,

thanks, that solved it.
I was searching all variable names including "org" and "agenda" and "timestamp" 
(thanks to helm-apropos) so missed that one.


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