Thank you Chris. Sometimes these little bits of information make all the
difference. I did not get this searching so either, I did
not search well enough, or I need to put the information on the wiki
somewhere. I hope to be able to document the whole HNC conversion in a
month or two, so that the next person will have an easier go of it.

I just went back and did a search for iocontrol.0.tool and found:

,so it is documented. I now remember reading this page a while back, but
it had no meaning at the time. Now that I have used HAL a little it is
making more sense. (It is plainly in the Integrator,s Manual too. I need
to reread the manuals.)

On Tue, 2007-08-21 at 08:29 +0000, Chris Morley wrote:
> Kirk
> When Emc gets a T word it puts a true on iocontrol.o.tool-prepare 
> then expects a true back on  incontrol.0.tool-prepared. They are usually 
> just hooked together, It's the same with M6 - iocontrol.0.tool-change 
> iocontrol.0.tool-changed
> You could use these pins to index your turret.
> Food for thought.
> Chris Morley

So, I have these HAL signals available:

iocontrol.0.tool-change       TRUE when a tool change is requested
iocontrol.0.tool-changed      Should be driven TRUE when a tool 
                                change is completed
iocontrol.0.tool-prep-number  The number of the next tool, from 
                                the RS274NGC T -word
iocontrol.0.tool-prepare      TRUE when a tool prepare is requested
iocontrol.0.tool-prepared     Should be driven TRUE when a tool 
                                prepare is completed

I now see how Classic Ladder comes in handy due to the fact that it
provides pins to link the above HAL pins to customizable routines. m101
provides a similar link to scripts, but doesn't use HAL pins. 

>From the Integrator's Manual:

6.3.1    External Programs with HAL hooks

motion - A realtime module that accepts NML motion commands and
         interacts with HAL

iocontrol - A user space module that accepts NML I/O commands 
            and interacts with HAL

classicladder - A PLC using HAL for all I/O 

halui - A user space program that interacts with HAL and sends NML 
        commands, it is intended to work as a full User Interface 
        using external knobs & switches

, it looks like Classic Ladder may be the only way to customize the tool

Kirk Wallace

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