Chris (and John),

Thanks for the replies, I have rather limited internet access at the moment,
so I am a little slow in responding. 

> I don't quite understand what you're saying.  When in "machine off"
> state, the commanded position tracks the actual position so 
> you can (for instance) use handwheels and not get a jump when 
> you go to "machine on" state.  If this is not working 
> correctly for you please say how we can reproduce it (and in 
> what version of emc).

The EMC version is EMC2 2.2 pre-release.

Here is the sequence of events I am getting. I am using a banner estop
module which requires two inputs within 100ms to arm, and then a one-shot to
enable (clear estop condition). Once this is done, the only thing remaining
to run the machine is a "machine on". 

Thus, once I am at machine on, I start a program, which initially does a
plunge followed by XY motion doing the routing. If I hit the estop at this
point, the machine of course stops. The program step is also set to the end
of the program. I then repeat the arming sequence by releasing the estop
push button, arming the banner module, and sending the one-shot. Again all
that is remaining is the machine on. When I do a machine on, the head will
jump to a new position, often significant away from where it stopped. I have
not figured out yet what position it is going to. But if I actually had a
tool and material, it would likely break the tool or damage the material.

This should be the relevant parts of the hal file handling the estop:

# This activates the banner estop module
newsig EstopWrite bit
linksp EstopWrite => m5i20.0.out-13
linksp EstopWrite => m5i20.0.out-14
linkps iocontrol.0.user-enable-out => EstopWrite 

# This is the estop sense logic
newsig EstopSense bit
linkpp <=
linksp EstopSense <= debounce.0.3.out 
linksp EstopSense => iocontrol.0.emc-enable-in


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