Dear Johannes, I wish I had had the ability of reading you entirely :)
When I was writing about mourning I was not writing "against" you but
"with" you, I mean trying to add some personal reflections on the
subject/topic exhumation/death/mourning/performance
And by the way I feel this month's discussion has been a kind of
"polyphonic" discussion in Bachtin's terms, adding new dimensions and new
voices, I have not heard/read a post opposing another, arguing, fighting
but adding, completing, making the posts richer and more enjoyable. The
atmosphere of this month's has been rich and dense and layered with many
interesting and important issues.
I have particularly enjoyed your comments and insights.
Going back to our exchange, I don't remember myself making any post or
writing something related to ethnic belonging or national identities. What
do you mean with "your typecasting of national or ethnic identities"?
I was very clear when I wrote the Nazis and not the Germans (as someone
raised by nuns from Paderborn and Munich I will never use Germans as
synonyms of Nazis, I love the German culture and Caroline von Gunderrode
and Brentano and Chamisso are still some of my housegods :) or when I wrote
about the Balkans.
In South America we had something called Plan Condor, it was the brainchild
of Pinochet, made with the approbation of Kissinger, and it was the
intimate collaboration between the armies and the police of the whole
continent, Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile and Argentina traded
information about political dissents and exchanged prisoners, Uruguayan
officers killed and tortured in Argentinian soil, Argentinian officers
killed Uruguayan prisoners, etc. They proofed the national state is a myth.
And the ethnical identities are only raised when you perform some kitsch
folkloristic dance or when you try to reclaim ownership of some obscure
dish :)
The Scottish haggis, the Italian lampredoto, the Japanese sushi, so on :)

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