dear all

I liked the response by Van Dyk:
The discussion is missing the simple fact that the 'greater public' are not 
fooled by these bits of technology that have the potential 
to overtake the body and affect a colonization that would negatively affect 
their most visceral freedoms>>

except that one might want to discuss further how they overtake or undertake 
bodies, and in what contexts.
and what are our most visceral freedoms?  (see Guillermo Gómez-Peña's 
newsletter posting, which is quote below)

I think much of what we have entered, this month, was either 
artistic/performative territory (and as I said, in previous
times we would speak of costumes and equipment/instruments in the theatre, not 
of wearables, so the idea of a "wearable"
seemed intrinsically connected to the interactional fucntions, the prosthetic 
functions the technological bits or the integrated
"intelligent" clothing or the sensortized accessories have for us), or social 
territories outside the primarily aesthetic/art sector,
even if fashion straddles both, but the link to Human Interaction Design, and 
the research/marketing agendas developed by product designers
and mobile tech interaction designers were maybe not as much touched upon.  

But i had the impression that many of us here were talking about interactions 
(from/with the body-worn technologies) with others
and with (augmented/responsive/unresponsive) environments, and thus the issue 
of colonization and self-colonization may have been
part of what we worried about or explored; 

again, we worry except when we don'; when we tend to think that clothing, and 
accessories we wear, 
are not for function alone, but for social and psychological purposes that 
always exceed primary function and involve various backstage scripts,
and are we fully conscious of the choices we make and what gestures we have 
adopted, and then again, often we are fully/performatively conscious
of the roles we play, and thus colonization (if you look at the text below) is 
a fractious political problem.

Johannes Birringer

>From our friends at NAFTAZTC

State-sponsored sexual harassment vs. the sinister human scanner
 by Guillermo Gomez-Peña
“We pledge to treat you with courtesy, dignity and respect.” (2nd paragraph 
from ICE’s “Pledge to Travelers” posted as you arrive in a US airport)
Definition of Airport: A bizarre laboratory of human and civil rights 
violations where regular citizens from all ages, social classes and races, men 
and women, are more than willing to give up their rights  all in the name of 
the “freedom” to travel between two places.
It’s 9 am in the San Francisco International Airport and I am patiently 
standing in line at the security checkpoint, waiting for my turn to be 
humiliated. I take off my shoes, my belt and jacket, and place my laptop, 
wallet, coins and keys on a plastic tray.
The thing is that, with my long braids, my feather earrings and my Tex Mex 
jacket, I don’t exactly look like a “real American.” A Filipino security 
officer signals me to go through the human scanner. I tell him that I object to 
a full body scan. “I’d rather be hand searched.” He asks me, “Why?”
I reply that I simply don’t wish to be seen naked by bureaucrats I will never 
meet. “It’s an ethical issue.” He clearly does not know the meaning of the word 
“ethical.” It’s not in his training manual.
If you decide to object to the sinister human scanner, and I have objected more 
than 30 times, give and take, this is what will happen to you:
The Filipino officer calls a second officer. An African-American male in his 
mid-30’s asks if I wish to be searched “in private or in public.” “I want you 
to be accountable for your actions. Do it in public!” -- I whisper to him 
defiantly. He puts on his white rubber gloves and begins the ritual of 
He tells me to open my legs and raise my hands to shoulder level. He begins to 
“pat” me on my torso, back, neck and arms. It reminds me of one of my troupe’s 
performance exercises but devoid of tenderness. He then meticulously feels my 
hair (in case I have a mysterious weapon hidden inside my braids?) and asks me 
to open my mouth.(Is he looking for microfilms of subversive literature and 
maps hidden behind my teeth? Which action films has he seen lately?) He then 
searches around my waist with his fingers and finally…he kneels right in front 
of me. “Is there a particularly sensitive part in your body?” –he asks me. 
“Well, of course, my genitals. Aren’t yours equally sensitive?” –I respond.
He continues to follow the Homeland Security script. He fondles my ankles and 
legs firmly and finally reaches for my genital area and around my testicles, 
looking for an “underwear bomb”. I tense my whole body. He looks at me 
intensely and asks, “Are you Native American?” “Yes, in the larger sense of 
term,” I reply.
I can detect in his eyes that he understands the historical predicament he is 
facing: An African American descendant of slaves grabbing the crotch of a 
descendant of the indigenous genocide of the Americas, all in the name of 
“Homeland Security”? Whose security? And whose homeland? The mythical one 
invented by the people whose ancestors enslaved His People and killed mine? 
Something is fundamentally wrong with this picture. I notice a glimpse of 
humiliation on his part, perhaps a vague historical memory emerging from his 
DNA. The loss of dignity is mutual but he has been trained to not think about 
it. For a moment, mutual compassion floods the security checkpoint. It quickly 
Once he is done harassing me sexually, he makes a quick chemical test of any 
traces in his gloves and tells me that I am “cleared.” The humiliation ritual 
is over…until the next time I decide to fly. I pick up my belongings, put on my 
shoes and jacket and walk away feeling extremely sad.
The other option to this state-sponsored form of sexual harassment, the full 
body scan, is much, MUCH worse. If you accept to go through the scanner, they 
will tell you not to worry. “The radioactivity is actually minimal. The media 
exaggerates”-someone told me once, probably to ease my anxiety. But that’s the 
least of my concerns. What they don’t tell you is that anonymous officers, both 
at the airport and at Langley will be watching, scrutinizing, judging a 
tri-dimensional high definition image of your fully naked body in strata. The 
human scanner IS in fact a surveillance camera located simultaneously outside 
and inside the sacred home of your body and these people aren’t exactly doctors.
Is it okay for security officers you will never meet to see your genitalia, 
breasts and butt in detail? Your secret tattoos and piercings? The intimate 
shape of your body? The bodily secrets you only share with your lover? And what 
about them, whomever they are (you will never know who they are), watching your 
family and loved ones naked? Not nude, naked! Watching your children, your 
spouse or lover, mother or grandmother fully naked? Why is this acceptable? 
What has happened to us since 9/11? What ever happened to the right to protect 
our privacy from the state? Why have we become this desensitized to the loss of 
human dignity?
Then you cannot help but to think of the fate of these nude images. What do 
they do with them? Are they stored in a data bank and later on reviewed by more 
officers while drinking beer and joking around? Is this a new form of political 
porn? What’s next in this saga? The deep hand search of our body cavities? The 
ingestion of minute video cameras? Taking samples of our DNA without us even 
realizing it? Genital-recognition technology?
The fact is that everyday in US airports hundreds of thousands of Americans are 
willing, more than willing to sacrifice their civil liberties and human rights 
on the altar of “national security” and with a few exceptions of mild 
complaints and a couple of articles printed here and there, it doesn’t t seem 
to be a big deal for most people: In fact, these extreme humiliation airport 
rituals might be the most common internationally shared experiences we have as 
humans. And all we can do is joke about it. Like my friend, Argentine 
performance artist Susana Cook, says: “Can’t they at least give me a free 
After objecting more than 30 times to the human scanner and loosing connecting 
flights for doing so, I finally gave up last week and experienced a full body 
scan for the first time ever. I only had 10 minutes to make my plane. Since 
that moment, I haven’t been able to take that sensation of utter humiliation 
out of my chest and abdomen. This is precisely why I chose to write this text.
I’d say, even amidst the jubilant responses to Osama Bin Laden’s death, we have 
already lost the war on terror and we are not even aware of it.
(Special thanks to Emma Tramposch, Anastasia Herold and Carolina Ponce de Leon 
for their input)
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