On Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 8:30 PM 'spudboy...@aol.com' via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

*> They're both that way in*

I don't think it's age related, some people are just inarticulate. Joe
Biden has suffered from foot in mouth disease for years, he has been
picking precisely the wrong word to say since he first became a senator in
1972; but Donald Trump has done more than just use the wrong word, he has
been making speeches that were completely unhinged for at least the last 40

>* in **the sense of they're both too egomaniacal.*

I've never seen any evidence that Biden is egomaniacal, at least not more
so than the average politician, but Trump is the most hyper-egomaniacal man
I've ever seen, nobody else even comes close.

*> Outside of IRA, all the decisions appear awful 2 me, *

Can you please give specific examples of that, preferably ones that don't
involve illegal immigration since we already know all about your horror
that Mexicans will interfere with your lifelong ambition to work in the
sunshine and become a professional strawberry picker. If I were making a
list of existential global problems illegal immigration would be about
number 924.

> *What is your bet for an early Singularity? **Not 2045. *

A year ago I would've said 2045 sounds about right, not today.

*> Not even Kurzweil is hold with that (his 2023 flavor is 2030)*

A year ago 2030 seemed way too soon, today it seems way too late. This guy
thinks 2026:

Alan’s conservative countdown to AGI <https://lifearchitect.ai/agi/>

And some think even 2026 is too late

Experts Predict AI Singularity Months Away!

By the way, I don't think Trump has a clue about any of the recent
developments in AI, I've never heard him say a single word about it, in
fact I doubt he even knows what the acronym "AI" stands for, but Biden
certainly does:

Biden meets with AI experts in effort to manage its risks

Biden plans to work with world leaders to ensure AI’s use as a tool of

Biden warns United Nations AI could ‘govern us,’ poses ‘enormous peril’

Biden Turns to Tech Companies to Police AI Until Congress Acts

  John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


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