Title: Fwd: Cognitive Systems on the IST 2004 Conference in T
Interesting opportunity to explore EU funding opportunities for ECCO...

Subject: Cognitive Systems on the IST 2004 Conference in The Hague ( Novem
        ber 15-17, 2004)
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 14:44:38 +0200
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Dear Colleague,
We are pleased to announce that the "Cognition" theme will be present at IST 2004 in a double-headed Networking Session, Tuesday 16th November, 2004, IST 2004 Conference, The Hague, Netherlands.
The first part aims to raise awareness and exchange information about recent successes and potential for new applications of Cognitive Vision research. It is organised by our ECVISION thematic network (contact point is Patrick Courtney of ECVISION). The second part will be held by our unit, with Colette Maloney and her colleagues. They will highlight the 30 Meuro package of newly launched Cognitive Systems projects under the sixth Framework Programme and the prospects for the upcoming IST Call 4.
Between the two sessions, we plan to organise a demonstration of a cognitive robot.
How to participate: First, register at the general conference site (http://europa.eu.int/information_society/istevent/2004/cf/registration.cfm). Secondly, go to the Networking Session pages and subscribe to one or both of the Cognitive Systems Networking sessions:
- Networking Session 437: A Vision for Cognition: Cognitive Vision and Cognitive Systems in Europe, Tuesday 16th November, 9h00
- Networking Session 420, Cognitive Systems in the FP6 IST Programme , Tuesday 16th November, 11h00

Important: if you are considering to submit a proposal for IST Call 4, which to be published in November this year, you should definitely use this opportunity to help build up your consortium and to gain the latest insights into the call scope, aims and mechanisms. If you wish to meet a member of the Cognitive Systems staff individually or if you would like to present a project idea (on a 5 min/2 slides basis) please let me know in advance.
With best regards (and apologies for cross-posting)

Christine Michaut                       
Information & Communication Officer
Cognition (Unit 5 of Directorate E)
Directorate-General Information Society
European Commission
Rue Alcide de Gasperi, EUFO 2255
Phone+352-4301-34071 / Fax +352 4301 33530
The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission.
Please excuse any cross-postings for this mailing.


Francis Heylighen     
Center "Leo Apostel"
Free University of Brussels

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