Title: Seminar: Systems Modelling of Cancer

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You are hereby invited to our sixteenth "Evolution, Complexity and Cognition (ECCO)" seminar of 2005:

Systems Modelling of Cancer

Lito Kyritsi
(Foundation for Biomedical Research, Athens Academy)

Place: room 3C204 (building C, 3rd floor), VUB campus Oefenplein
Time: Friday, May, 27, at 17:30 h.

The bioinformatics era has witnessed a focusing of biological research on the "bits and pieces" that make up living organisms. The sequencing of complete genomes initially generated an enthusiastic expectation that the keys to life, health and disease would soon be available in the form of lists of genes and proteins; this expectation, however, has gradually been replaced by the realisation that complex processes, occurring in a complex environment (the cell - the body), cannot be understood through reductionistic approaches alone. The body and its phenomena have to be studied as a complex system of dynamic, interconnected elements, not only as isolated parts.

Cancer, a complex disease that continues to be one step ahead of even very sophisticated treatments, lends itself as an excellent field for studying the intricacies of decision-making and information-processing in living systems. The use of pluralistic, and novel approaches of modelling cancer through a systems perspective (using mathematical / in silico models, cybernetic models, ecological models, as well as ontologies and metaphors) may allow a better understanding of this "dysbiotic entity" but also in general possibly of the behaviour, decision-making and communication between different organisational levels in nature.

More info:
project about cancer as an emergent phenomenon: http://www.csc.liv.ac.uk/research/biocomp/chess.html

ECCO seminar programme coming weeks

3 Jun: Laetitia De Jaegher: Towards sustainable development: the precautionary principle as a call for a new theory of law to support multi-dimensional governance

ECCO seminars normally take place each Friday at 17h30 in room 3C204 of the VUB Campus Etterbeek. Everyone interested is welcome. The seminars are very interactive, with small groups (about 8-10 people). The intention is to discuss in depth the research being proposed, and to look for interdisciplinary connections with other ECCO-related themes. Seminars last about two hours, after which the remaining participants go to take a drink or a snack in the Opinio Café on the campus, to continue the discussion in a more relaxed setting.

Francis Heylighen     
"Evolution, Complexity and Cognition" research group
Free University of Brussels

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